What to Expect When Having Radiation Therapy

Key takeaways

  • Radiotherapy is a treatment for cancer that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells. It may be used before, during, or after surgery, and can also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy.
  • A radiation oncology team typically includes a radiation oncologist, radiation oncology nurse, medical radiation physicist, dosimetrist, and radiation therapy technologist, who work together to design and administer the treatment plan.
  • Before radiotherapy treatment begins, a patient will typically be referred to a radiation oncologist, have their medical records reviewed, undergo a physical exam, and have imaging scans to locate the tumor. The patient will then be asked to sign a consent form and a treatment plan will be developed before the first session.

Scheduling your initial radiotherapy session can create concern and anxiety. And of course many are worried and feel overwhelmed. 

At Advanced Urology Institute, we encourage our patients to be partners in the process and to educate themselves about the procedures. We believe that the more you know about radiotherapy before your treatment, the more confident you’ll be to face the treatment and the more likely you’ll play an active role in your recovery.

So what is radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy is the treatment of cancer using focused high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells. During treatment, specific amounts of the radiation are aimed at tumors or parts of the body affected by the cancer.  Once administered, the radiation kills, stops, or slows down the growth of cancer cells.

Radiotherapy may be used before surgery to shrink a tumor to a smaller size. But it may also be used during surgery to target certain cancer cells. In some cases, radiation therapy is used after surgery to destroy the remaining cancer cells.

When paired with chemotherapy, it can help to improve treatment outcomes. And in cancer cases where a cure is not possible, radiation therapy can be used for palliative purposes—to reduce pain, pressure or other side effects of treatment.

While the radiation affects all cells, healthy ones are able to repair themselves and recover their normal cell function after treatment. Alternatively, unhealthy cells, such as cancer cells, aren’t able to repair after radiation.  Hence, the treatment helps to destroy and eliminate unhealthy cells with minimal adverse effects on healthy cells.

What is a radiation oncology team?

Typically, radiotherapy is designed and administered by a team of highly trained medical professionals. The team usually includes a radiation oncologist, radiation oncology nurse, medical radiation physicist, dosimetrist, and radiation therapy technologist.

The radiation oncologist is the doctor who specializes in delivering radiotherapy for treating cancer and who oversees the overall treatment protocols. The doctor works closely with other team members to develop the treatment plan.

The radiation oncology nurse is skilled and experienced in caring for patients receiving radiation therapy. The nurse answers patient questions about the treatment, monitors the patient’s health during the treatment, and helps to manage the side effects.

The medical radiation physicist designs the treatment plan and is an expert in using radiation equipment. To ensure the right doses are administered with accuracy and precision, the radiation physicist is a key member of the team.

And finally, the radiation therapy technologist (radiation therapist) will directly operate the treatment machines such as a linear accelerator during therapy sessions and give the scheduled treatments. Other professionals might include social workers, nutritionists (dietitians), dentists, and rehabilitation therapists, such as physical therapists or speech therapists.

What happens before your treatment?

You’re usually referred to a radiation oncologist when your doctor believes radiotherapy might be an option worth considering. The radiation oncologist will then review your medical records, conduct a physical exam, and order various tests. The doctor then explains your options, speaks with you about the potential benefits and risks of the treatment and answers questions.

If you decide to proceed with radiotherapy, you’ll be asked to grant permission by signing the consent form. Your treatment team will then design the treatment plan before your first session.

Your treatment team will use imaging scans, such as computed tomography (CT), X-ray, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to identify the tumor location. You’ll then receive small marks on your skin to assist the team in targeting the radiation beam at the tumor.

In addition, you may be fitted with immobilization devices such as tapes, foam sponges, headrests, simply molds or plaster casts. These items will help you stay secure and in the same position throughout treatment. If the radiation is targeting your head or neck, you may receive a thermoplastic mask, which is a mesh mask molded to your face and secured to the table. 

Though it is crucial for your body to remain in the same position for each treatment, your oncology treatment team cares about your comfort and would like to hear your suggestions. So speak up about how you’re feeling. Communicate with the team so you can find a comfortable position every time.

What happens during treatment?

Radiotherapy is generally scheduled for five days a week over a six to seven week period although the treatment can last for as little as two to three weeks if the goal is merely palliative. Over the course of treatment, you’ll receive small doses (fractions) of daily radiation instead of large doses. This helps to best target cancer cells and protect healthy cells in the treatment area. Compliance and consistency is key. It is advisable that you complete all your sessions as scheduled and not miss or delay any treatments. 

Before treatment is administered, your radiation therapy technologist will ask you to change into a gown and lie on the movable bed. The marks on your skin are used to position the machine and table—though you may be positioned using molds, boards or special holders. If necessary, special blocks or shields are used to protect your normal organs. You’ll then have to remain still in that position during your treatments breathing normally.

For each treatment session, you’ll be in the room for 10-30 minutes with the radiation administered for 1-2 minutes of that time. As soon as the treatment begins, the radiation therapy technologist will leave you alone in the room with a closed circuit TV and an intercom. The technologist will see and hear you at all times. So if you think you need to move, just notify the therapist and the machine will be turned off and adjusted.

The technologist controls the machine from outside as treatment progresses and monitors the machine at all times.  The treatment is painless and you’ll not see, smell or hear the radiation. In between your treatment sessions, you’ll need to undergo various tests and checks to confirm that the treatment is going on as earlier planned.

For instance, port films will be taken to ensure the positioning remains as it should be. Weekly blood tests may also be run to check your blood cell counts. Plus, your radiation oncologist will meet with you once a week to assess how your body is responding to treatment. Be sure to tell the doctor of any changes or concerns.

Top-notch radiotherapy services

At Advanced Urology Institute we provide cutting-edge treatments for cancer. Our radiotherapy service is tailored to deliver specifically targeted radiation to precisely target and kill cancer cells.

For more information on radiotherapy and other forms of cancer treatment, visit the site “Advanced Urology Institute”.


Dr. Amar Raval’s Recommendations: Surgery or Radiation for Prostate Cancer?


  • Surgery and radiation therapy are two common treatment options for prostate cancer, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.
  • Dr. Raval often recommends radiation therapy for older patients or those with medical comorbidities that may limit their ability to undergo surgery successfully.
  • Dr. Amar J. Raval, MD, is a urologist in Tampa, FL, and a member of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida.

Dr. Amar J. Raval and the Decision-Making Process for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Amar J. Raval, MD, is a urologist in Tampa, FL, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. With a range of treatment options available, deciding between surgery and radiation can be a challenging process for patients. In this article, we explore Dr. Raval’s insights and recommendations for making this important decision.

Surgery vs. Radiation: Weighing the Options

When it comes to treating prostate cancer, surgery and radiation are two of the most common treatment options. Each method has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, making it crucial for patients to carefully consider their individual needs and circumstances before making a decision.

Surgery: The Benefits and Drawbacks

Surgery, specifically radical prostatectomy, involves the complete removal of the prostate gland and surrounding tissues. While surgery can be an effective option for treating prostate cancer, it is an invasive procedure that carries its own set of potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, and urinary incontinence, among others.

Dr. Raval emphasizes that surgery is not without risks, and patients should be aware of these when weighing their options. However, for some patients, surgery can offer the best chance for long-term cancer control.

Radiation: A Suitable Option for Older Patients or Those with Medical Comorbidities

Radiation therapy, on the other hand, involves the use of high-energy X-rays or particles to kill cancer cells within the prostate. Dr. Raval often recommends radiation therapy for older patients or those with other medical conditions that may limit their ability to undergo surgery successfully.

Although radiation therapy can be a less invasive alternative to surgery, it is not without potential side effects, such as urinary and bowel issues or erectile dysfunction. However, for some patients, radiation therapy may provide a more suitable option given their overall health and age.

The Importance of Patient Autonomy in Treatment Decisions

While Dr. Raval provides his expert opinion and guidance during the decision-making process, he ultimately leaves the choice of treatment up to the patient. Each individual’s unique circumstances, preferences, and values must be taken into account when determining the best course of action for treating prostate cancer.

Dr. Amar Raval at Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Amar J. Raval is a skilled urologist in Tampa, FL, who is dedicated to providing the best possible care for his patients. As a member of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, Dr. Raval works alongside a team of experienced urologists who share his commitment to excellence in patient care.

By offering comprehensive treatment options and personalized guidance for patients with prostate cancer, the Advanced Urology Institute ensures that their patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments available in the field of urology.


My name is Amar J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute. You know surgery is surgery at the end of the day and it does have its own complications and you’re you know making incisions. With radiation I like to give it to patients who are older who want treatment and also have medical comorbidities or different things that may limit them from being successful from a surgical outcome. But I think it’s again it’s a big conversation to have and ultimately I you know give my thoughts but I leave it up to patients to decide what they want to do.


Prostate Cancer Treatment: How to Choose What’s Best for You

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affects men. The prostate is a small gland, similar in shape to a walnut, that produces the seminal fluid that helps transport sperm. Although anyone can get prostate cancer, it becomes more common as men age.

It can be difficult to detect prostate cancer as it has little to no symptoms in its early stages. For this reason, it is important for men to have their prostate routinely checked by their doctor. Only after the cancer advances do symptoms occur like trouble urinating, blood in semen, bone pain, erectile dysfunction and discomfort in the pelvic area.

Advanced Urology Institute Doctor: Dr. David HarrisSome prostate cancers grow slowly and, in some cases, need little to no treatment. Other cancers can be aggressive and spread quickly. It is important to see your urologist often to monitor your cancer, as the best treatment for you will depend on the type of prostate cancer you have and how it reacts to treatment.

Treatments for prostate cancer vary depending on multiple factors. Urologists will look at a patient’s age, health and the type of prostate cancer when deciding on the best treatment. In a healthy young patient, a urologist may recommend robotic surgery or a radical prostatectomy. These are well-tested and invasive treatments that can produce very good outcomes.

For patients who may be a little older and not in the best of health, radiation therapy may be their best option. Having access to quality radiation therapy can be a game changer in prostate cancer treatment and can create excellent outcomes. It also will be easier on a patient with other health issues.

There are also newer advances that can be used to treat prostate cancer. For example, cryotherapy uses extremely cold temperatures to destroy cancerous tissues in the prostate by freezing them. Another example is HIFU therapy. This stands for stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound and uses an intense ultrasound, focused on the prostate, to treat the cancer and is minimally invasive.

Prostate cancer is a serious and often frightening prospect. Many men will suffer from this cancer, but they are not alone. Along with their urologist, men can combat their cancer in a way that produces the best outcomes. Dedicated urologists, like David S. Harris, MD at Advanced Urology Institute, have an arsenal of treatment options and are ready to help men live healthy lives. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Recent Advances in Prostate Cancer Treatment


Prostate cancer is cancer of the gland that produces seminal fluid for the nourishment of sperm. Some cases are slow developing and do not affect the patient significantly. These can be managed by watchful waiting and constant monitoring. Others are aggressive and must be addressed immediately. As with most cancers, early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment.

Developments in the treatment of prostate cancer

1. Multiparametric MRI (MpMRI) in diagnosis

Determining which cancer is life threatening and which one is not is a critical issue. In order to carry out a more efficient diagnosis, doctors now are using an MRI guided biopsy instead of the more traditional transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy. The MpMRI provides better results determining if the prostate is infected and if the cancer has spread outside the prostate. It can help a doctor decide whether or not a patient should undergo a biopsy. And the MpMRI can be used to monitor the cancer growth, making it a very useful tool when watchful waiting is adopted.

2. Use of immunotherapy in treatment

Until recently, it was thought that immunotherapy was ineffective against prostate cancer. Prostate cancer treatment was primarily limited to surgery, hormone therapy and radiotherapy. In recent years, however, researchers have found that immunotherapy, specifically a drug called pembrolizumab, may be effective in treating aggressive cases of prostate cancer that have advanced beyond the other forms of treatment.

3. Robotic surgery

Like most other areas of surgery, the treatment of prostate cancer has benefited from the use of robotic or the da vinci surgical system that is guided by a surgeon operating from a console. Patients who undergo prostatectomy to remove the prostate may avoid open surgery by opting for robotic surgery. Benefits of robotic surgery include reduced bleeding, reduced pain, low risk of post surgery infections and fast recovery rates.

Medical advancements have improved cancer treatment outcomes and changed lives for the better. At Advanced Urology Institute, the team of specialists uses the latest techniques and technology for treating prostate cancer. They are available to offer consultation, diagnosis and treatment best suited for the individual patient.

For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

What is Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer

Immunotherapy is a beneficial treatment for men with prostate cancer, particularly those with incurable advanced-stage or recurrent form of the disease. The treatment works by activating your immune system to attack the cancer cells, shrinking the tumor or causing it to disappear altogether. Used alone or in combination with other treatments, like chemotherapy, hormone therapy or radiation therapy, immunotherapy is able to reverse the growth of prostate cancer after the other treatment options have failed.

How does it work?

Like many other tumors, prostate cancer evades the immune system by deactivation of T-cells, the blood cells that attack foreign materials and abnormal cells in the body. So immunotherapeutic approaches are designed in a way to enhance the response of the immune system to cancer cells by reactivation of the T-cells.

During immunotherapy, immature immune cells are obtained from a man with prostate cancer. This is done to allow the cells to get out of the environment where they can be detected and deactivated by the cancer cells as soon as they are mature. The immature cells then are re-engineered by combining them with an artificial version of PAP, the antigen expressed by 95 percent of prostate cancer cells. After re-engineering, they are supplied with a factor (GM-CSF) that boosts their survival, growth and maturity once they are infused back into the body.

Meticulously re-engineered, activated, trained and matured T-cells are infused back into the body — now with the ability to attack and destroy cancer cells. They act as antibodies against the cancer cells and are able to detect and eliminate the cancer cells. The infusion of re-engineered cells or antibodies against prostate cancer is done three times. But as the treatment goes on, you still will be on the treatment or drugs you were already taking prior to immunotherapy. That will allow your body to produce enough activated, trained and matured T-cells to fight the prostate cancer without ever again being deactivated or bypassed by the cancer.

Why should you consider immunotherapy for prostate cancer?

Immunotherapy is an amazing and highly effective treatment for the cancer. During treatment, your cancer treatment team can use a wide variety of immune-based strategies to develop antibodies against the tumor, killing the cancer cells and preventing its recurrence. It offers excellent results in men with advanced-stage hormone resistant prostate cancer and reduces the risk of cancer recurrence in men with high-risk, localized tumors when it is administered in combination with hormone therapy. The treatment increases the survival rate from prostate cancer and enhances life expectancy by several years.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we are offering immunotherapy as a treatment option for prostate cancer, particularly tumors that have spread beyond the prostate or become resistant. And as our understanding of how cancer cells relate with the immune system deepens, we are tapping into that knowledge to help improve treatment outcomes for our patients. So if you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, find out from your urologist if immunotherapy may be of help in your situation. Want to know more about the treatment options for prostate cancer? Visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy, Surgical Advancement in Urology – Dr Matthew Merrell

Video: Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy, Surgical Advancement in Urology – Dr Matthew Merrell

Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy allows the surgeon greater visualization, enhanced dexterity, precision, control and superior ergonomics.[Read Full Article…]