Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer

Advanced Urology Specialists is proud to serve our patients with the lifesaving da Vinci System. This revolutionary robotic-assisted surgical tool allows us to heal patients with greater precision than ever before. Contact a urologist now and get treatment for this condition as soon as possible. [Read Full Article…]

da Vinci SI Robot – Assisted Surgery for Prostate Cancer

A procedure known as Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy is becoming a viable and widely available option for the treatment of prostate cancer. Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (LRP) is a minimally invasive keyhole surgery for removing both the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles in order to treat men who are suffering from this type of cancer. Contact a urologist now and get treatment for this condition as soon as possible. [Read Full Article…]

What is Erectile Dysfunction? by Dr.Andy Sher

​Erectile dysfunction (impotence) affects approximately 30 million men. This common problem can be a sign of a health condition that needs treatment such as poorly controlled diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Contact a urologist now and get treatment for this condition as soon as possible. [Read Full Article…]

Meet Dr. Edward King: What Sets This Leading Urologist at Advanced Urology Institute Apart?


  • Dr. Edward King is a leading urologist in Ocala, FL who practices at the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida.
  • With a passion for innovation, Dr. King has been at the forefront of adopting new technologies, including laparoscopy and robotics, to treat urological conditions.
  • The Advanced Urology Institute is committed to providing the highest quality care to its patients, utilizing the latest technologies and techniques available.

Introduction: Meet Dr. Edward King

Edward D. King, MD, FACS is a leading urologist in Ocala, FL who practices at the Advanced Urology Institute. With a passion for urology and a strong background in medical innovation, Dr. King has been at the forefront of adopting new technologies and approaches to treating urological conditions.

A Love for Urology

One of the reasons Dr. King loves urology is the combination of surgical practice and outpatient office practice. Urology offers a unique blend of opportunities for doctors to engage with their patients in different settings, providing comprehensive care and support.

Embracing Innovation in Urology

Dr. King attended a medical school known for its focus on innovation, which played a significant role in shaping his career. Over 25 years ago, urologists were among the first to use laparoscopy for removing kidneys and conducting lymph node dissections. This early exposure to cutting-edge techniques piqued Dr. King’s interest in the field and influenced his decision to specialize in urology.

A Focus on Prostate Cancer

During his training, Dr. King developed a particular interest in prostate cancer. As he progressed through his education, he witnessed the evolution of urological practices, including the adoption of laparoscopy for various procedures. Dr. King continued to advance his skills and knowledge in this area, staying up-to-date with the latest developments in prostate cancer treatment.

Pioneering Robotics in Urology

About a decade ago, robotics began to gain traction in the field of urology, and Dr. King’s group was among the early adopters of this groundbreaking technology. Many members of the Advanced Urology Institute have performed a large number of robotic prosthetics, solidifying their position as leaders in the field.

Advanced Urology Institute: A Leader in Urological Care

The Advanced Urology Institute is the largest urology practice in Florida, offering state-of-the-art care and treatment options for a wide range of urological conditions. With a team of dedicated professionals like Dr. Edward King, the Institute is committed to providing the highest quality care to its patients, utilizing the latest technologies and techniques available.


My name is Dr. Edward King and I’m a urologist at the Advanced Urology Institute. I love urology because urology combines both the surgical practice and an outpatient office practice.

I also went to a medical school where there was a lot of innovation. This was over 25 years ago, but urologists were one of the first to use laparoscopy for removing kidneys, for doing lymph node dissections and so urologists were some of the first to use robotics in treating prostate and kidney disorders so I was really intrigued by it. 

I also had an interest in prostate cancer. When I started training we did very little laparoscopy and toward the end of my training I did a fair amount of it, mainly kidney transplants and then got into private practice, did some laparoscopy.

Robotics came along about a decade ago and our group is one of the very early adapters of the technology. Many of the members of our group have done a large number of robotic prosthetics.