What is the first sign of bladder cancer? with Dr. Ketan Kapadia


  1. The first sign of bladder cancer is often gross hematuria, or visible blood in the urine.
  2. Early detection of bladder cancer is crucial for more effective treatment and improved patient outcomes.
  3. The Advanced Urology Institute, led by Dr. Ketan Kapadia, offers comprehensive care and state-of-the-art treatments for patients with bladder cancer and other urological issues.

Bladder cancer is a common type of cancer that affects many individuals, particularly those with a history of smoking. Dr. Ketan A. Kapadia, MD, a board-certified urologist in St. Petersburg, FL, discusses the early signs of bladder cancer and the importance of early detection for effective treatment. The Advanced Urology Institute provides comprehensive care for patients dealing with bladder cancer and other urological issues.

First Sign of Bladder Cancer: Gross Hematuria

According to Dr. Kapadia, the most common and critical first sign of bladder cancer is gross hematuria, or visible blood in the urine. This symptom should be taken seriously, as it could indicate the presence of bladder cancer, particularly among individuals with a history of smoking. Even for those who have quit smoking, the risk of bladder cancer remains elevated.

The Importance of Early Detection

Dr. Kapadia emphasizes the importance of catching bladder cancer in its early stages, as this allows for more effective treatment and a better prognosis. If a patient experiences urinary complaints such as blood in the urine or more frequent urination, they should be evaluated for bladder cancer. Early detection and diagnosis can lead to more conservative treatments and improved outcomes for patients.

Bladder Cancer and Smoking

Smoking is a significant risk factor for bladder cancer, with former and current smokers being at higher risk. Dr. Kapadia notes that even after quitting smoking, individuals remain at an elevated risk for developing bladder cancer. This highlights the importance of regular screenings and evaluations for those with a history of smoking, as early detection is critical in bladder cancer treatment.

Treatment Options for Bladder Cancer

In the past, cystectomies, or the surgical removal of the bladder, were a common treatment for bladder cancer. Dr. Kapadia, who trained with leading expert Donald Skinner, has extensive experience in performing cystectomies and bladder reconstruction. However, thanks to advances in medical knowledge and treatment options, bladder removal is now less common. By catching bladder cancer early, more conservative treatments may be possible, resulting in better outcomes for patients.

Advanced Urology Institute

As the largest urology practice in Florida, the Advanced Urology Institute offers comprehensive care and state-of-the-art treatments for a wide range of urological issues, including bladder cancer. Dr. Ketan Kapadia and his team of experienced professionals are dedicated to providing personalized care and innovative solutions for patients, with a focus on early detection and effective treatment options.


I’m Ketan Kapadia, I’m with Advanced Urology Institute and board certified urologist.

Well number one is gross hematuria, blood in the urine.

If you see blood in the urine we need to make sure you don’t have bladder cancer and obviously

we see a lot of bladder cancer in Florida.

It happens to be much increased on patients who’ve had smoking history, even if you quit

you’re still at risk.

I used to do a lot of cystectomies where we removed bladders and do reconstruction.

Fortunately we don’t have to do those as much anymore.

I trained with Donald Skinner who was the leading expert on doing that operation.

But again we want to try to catch things early.

If somebody’s having urinary complaints of blood or even just more frequently going to

the bathroom and things are not right that may need to be evaluated for bladder cancer.

Why Southerners Have a Higher Risk of Kidney Stone

I am Ketan Kapadia. I’m with Advanced Urology Institute and a board certified urologist.

Dr. Ketan Kapadia of St Petersburg, FLObviously the heat is going to play a major role, a lot of it has to do with our diet unfortunately as well. [As with] an American diet, we just don’t eat very well, we’re all a little heavier and that also increases the risk of kidney stones as well.

The interesting thing here in Florida, which isn’t talked about very much and this is sort of the holistic treatment of the patient in urology, which is we get a lot of men who have prostate problems who start cutting back on their fluids because they don’t want to get up at night; And when you start cutting back on fluids and not getting up at night, now you’re at more risk of [getting] stones. We see a lot of older guys who come in with kidney stones for the very first time because they got a prostate problem as well and that hasn’t really been addressed.

Same with women who have overactive bladder. First thing most people do is they start cutting back their fluid so they’re not having to run to the bathroom all the time. Again, you cut back your fluid and now you’re living in Florida in the heat, you’re going to get kidney stones. So a lot of doctors will be more than happy to just get rid of your stone and have the surgery [but] I’m also interested in preventing that next stone. Part of that is getting twenty-four (24) hour urines, seeing why you’re making stones, addressing all the overactive bladder problems and prostate problems because I don’t want you to end up having more stones. I’m happy to operate and take out stones, that’s fun, but it’s my obligation to help prevent [it from happening agan].

What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a simple and safe minimally-invasive surgery done by a doctor in a clinic, office or hospital. During the procedure, the small tubes called vas deferens that carry sperm are blocked or cut off to prevent sperm from leaving a man’s body and causing pregnancy. The sperm cells remain in the testicles and are reabsorbed into the body. So after about 3 months following a vasectomy, the semen doesn’t contain any sperm and can’t cause pregnancy. Of course you’ll still produce the same amount of semen as before except that there will be no sperm in them.

Quick and highly-effective

A vasectomy is a quick, 15-to-30-minute procedure and you can return home the same day. Designed to be a permanent form of contraception, a vasectomy is extremely effective in preventing pregnancy — nearly 100 percent. It is one of the most effective methods of birth control you can find. Vasectomy — also called male sterilization — is meant to protect against pregnancy permanently, so it’s super effective once you are past the first three months following surgery when the semen has become sperm-free.

After the procedure, pregnancy is prevented round-the-clock for the rest of your life. Once the doctor confirms that you no longer have sperm in your semen, then you don’t to do anything else to prevent pregnancy.Of course there is a very slim chance of the cut ends of the tubes growing back together after the procedure, making it possible to cause a pregnancy. That, however, very rarely happens.

Types of vasectomy

The vasectomy procedure involves cutting and blocking or partially removing both ends of the vas deferens (the sperm duct). Once that is done, sperm traveling from the testes can no longer reach the semen and form part of the ejaculate. Two types of vasectomies exist: the no-scalpel method and the incision method. The no-scalpel (no-cut) technique has a lower risk of infection and complications and generally requires a shorter recovery time. Because it’s classified as a minor surgical procedure, a vasectomy is often done in the doctor’s office with the patient under local anesthesia. It’s only in a small percentage of men where the procedure is performed in the operating room with general anesthesia or sedation — either due to the results of a doctor’s physical exam or patient preference.

Doesn’t hurt as much as often perceived

Vasectomy is a safer, minimally-invasive birth control method and a more effective procedure compared to tubal ligation. Guys generally tolerate it better than women do with tubal ligation. While you will experience a sharp sensation when the numbing medication is applied with a small needle, there should be no further pain after that. If you experience any further discomfort, inform your doctor so more of the numbing medication may be given or action is taken to alleviate the discomfort. Most men find vasectomy less painful than they anticipated, although a mild swelling and soreness may be experienced after the procedure.

Recovery after a vasectomy

Some mild swelling and discomfort is to be expected for a few days after the procedure, but almost always is gone completely by the end of the first week. It’s recommended that you take 1-2 days off work to reduce your activity level and get ample time to recover — although men with physically strenuous jobs may require a longer break from work. For the first 48 hours after the procedure, keep your activities limited and apply cold packs to your scrotum 3-4 times a day, with each application lasting for about 20 minutes. Wear supportive underwear until the discomfort subsides or for at least a week. Avoid sexual activity and exercise until the discomfort disappears, usually after around one week. Don’t soak in a pool, open water or hot tub for at least 3 weeks to ensure your wound heals quickly — you may just shower and dab dry. Return to normal activity slowly, building up your activity level gradually.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we do vasectomies in the office, using the no-scalpel, no-needle procedure. However, if you’re squeamish about it then you can have the procedure in a surgical room — although for most guys, doing it in the office is alright. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and is not bad in terms of pain. Recovery is also very fast. Most men schedule it on Friday and are back to work on Monday. As long as you don’t engage in strenuous activities such as a heavy lifting kind of a job, you can resume work quickly.

So if you want freedom from the fear of having unwanted children and want to enjoy your sexual relations without worrying about a pregnancy, a vasectomy is the ideal contraception for you. For more information on vasectomy, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

When Should You Get A PSA Test?

The prostate gland is a critical component of the male reproductive system. Located just underneath the bladder and in front of the rectum, the tiny walnut-sized gland helps to make semen — the fluid that carries sperm. But as men age, the prostate increases in size, becomes enlarged and begins to cause problems.The most common prostate problems include:

  1. Bacterial infection
  2. Dribbling after urination
  3. Increased need to pass urine (especially at night)
  4. Enlarged prostate, called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
  5. Prostate cancer

One of the most common cancers

The second most frequent cancer in American men, after skin cancer, prostate cancer typically grows slowly and shows very few early symptoms. So doctors usually recommend that men go for screening to ensure the cancer is spotted early even before symptoms arise and prior to the cancer getting more advanced. During screening tests, doctors perform prostate exams to detect any abnormalities that may indicate an issue, such as cancer. But the exams are not recommended for everyone and are often only necessary when the benefits outweigh the risks.

The PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) Test

The prostate-specific antigen test, simply called PSA, is a blood test for detecting prostate cancer and one of the most frequently used screening tests for the cancer. When there is an elevated level of the PSA in the blood, it might indicate that you have cancer. However, it’s not always that straightforward. In fact, there is a raging controversy about the PSA test, with many people questioning whether or not it’s necessary for younger men who are otherwise healthy. For instance, there is the argument that if there is a false positive PSA result, it may cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety and could even cloud a person’s decision regarding future treatment. False positive results are relatively low with the PSA test, but they may still occur.

The biggest argument against the PSA test is that treatment isn’t necessary for many prostate cancers. The cancer tends to grow and spread slowly and rarely causes serious effects during a man’s lifetime. While, in some cases, the cancer can be really aggressive and the PSA test may detect it when it’s still small and easier to treat, the side effects of cancer treatment are monetarily and physically too costly. So a lot of precaution is necessary when deciding who should or should not get treatment — there is no reason for treating a cancer that has little or no chance at all of progressing.

So when should you get your first PSA?

It is important to discuss the benefits, risks and uncertainties of the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test with your doctor before getting it. If you are a man of average risk, you should get your first PSA at the age of 50. But for men at high-risk of developing prostate cancer, such as African-American men, men of Caribbean descent and men with a first-degree relative (brother, father or son)
who had the cancer before age 60, then the first PSA should be at 45. And for men who are at higher risk, such as those who have more than one first-degree relative who had the cancer at an earlier age (younger than 50), the first PSA test should be at the age of 40.

Establishing the baseline with first PSA

At Advanced Urology Institute, we recommend that men get their first PSA test before the age of 50 so that a baseline can be established and used to make the decision as to whether or not they’ll need further tests. If it’s very low, then your regular PSA tests can be put off. But in cases where the PSA is elevated, we conduct other tests to ensure that it is prostate cancer we’re dealing with and not a prostate infection or an enlarged prostate. Depending on the PSA test result, we may repeat your PSA every 6 months to assess whether the first was a false positive or there is an upward trend.

The main thing with the PSA test is the changes in the level of PSA. Some men can have normal PSA but still have prostate cancer. So monitoring the changes and trends in your PSA is critical for cancer diagnosis. That’s why we encourage people to get their first PSA test early to establish a baseline for monitoring their PSA level. You don’t have to undergo a prostate biopsy just because you have done a PSA. If it’s found that your PSA is where it should be, you’ll not need a biopsy. That’s why we always want to be sure of the trends in your PSA.

Are you at high-risk of prostate cancer? Or are you experiencing symptoms of what could be a prostate problem, such as painful or frequent urination or blood in urine? At Advanced Urology Institute, we exhaustively discuss the pros and cons of the PSA test with our patients before making any decisions. We understand that PSA screening has both benefits and risks and we try to make the best possible decisions for our patients. For more information on the PSA test, prostate exams, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.