The Two Most Common Female Urology Problems

Although it can feel embarrassing to discuss them with your doctor, problems with your kidneys, bladder and other parts of the urinary system are very common and are usually highly treatable. For women, two of the most common problems are urinary tract infections (UTIs) and urinary incontinence.

Urinary Tract Infection

Chelsie Ferrell, PA of DeLand, FLA urinary tract infection is an infection of a part of the urinary system which includes the bladder, kidneys, ureters and urethra. A UTI can occur when bacteria enters the urinary system, usually via the urethra. Symptoms of a UTI include a strong, constant need to urinate, a burning sensation during urination, and urine that is cloudy or pink or red-tinged and has a strong smell. There also may be pain around the pelvis. Although UTIs are usually not serious, if the infection spreads from the bladder into the kidneys, complications can occur. If you are diagnosed with a UTI, your doctor most likely will prescribe antibiotics to help clear up the infection.

UTIS are more common in women than men because women have shorter urethras. There are easy steps you can take to prevent getting a UTI. Drinking plenty of liquids, wiping from front to back after using the restroom, and urinating soon after sexual intercourse are all important preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of developing a UTI.


Urinary incontinence, or the involuntary release of urine, is also a common problem for women, especially those who have given birth or have gone through menopause. These life events weaken the pelvic floor, making muscle control around the bladder more difficult. Incontinence also can be caused by weak or overactive bladder muscles or nerve damage.

Incontinence can vary in severity. For some women, this means only a few drops of urine being released when they cough or laugh. Others may experience a sudden urge to urinate and lose control of their bladders before they have time to get to a restroom. This can cause feelings of embarrassment and keep women from participating in activities they enjoy. Thankfully, urinary incontinence is very treatable. If it is becoming a major nuisance in your life, talk to your doctor about specific treatment steps to permanently help deal with the issue rather than addressing the symptoms.

Although problems with the urinary system can feel embarrassing, it is important to remember that you are not alone and that these issues are treatable. The physicians at Advanced Urology Institute are here to help with any urological issues you may be facing. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Discussing a Sensitive Topic: Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, also called ED, is the inability for a man to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual activity. It is a very personal and sensitive issue that can be difficult to talk about. Although ED is a common issue that affects many men, it can still cause feelings of embarrassment and shame. This makes open conversations, even with a trusted urologist, difficult in some cases.

Dr. Billy Vanasupa of St Augustine, FLA urologist is a doctor who specializes in the urinary tract and male reproductive system. They are the doctor a patient will most likely to go to about his ED. Urologists see countless cases of ED on a regular basis, and to them it is not a major issue at all. However, good urologists understand that ED can be an embarrassing issue for their patients and they immediately begin their visits by creating a comfortable environment where doctor and patient feel at ease discussing it.

One such urologist who works to create a comfortable environment is Dr. Billy Vanasupa. When talking about his approach with patients who see him for ED, Dr. Vanasupa says, “I always try to make my visits light, make some jokes here and there, and make them feel comfortable.” His goal is to make his patients laugh so they are less nervous and feel they can easily talk to him. Dr. Vanasupa removes the stigma of ED so he and his patient can openly discuss this sensitive topic.

Once everyone is comfortable discussing the topic, the urologist will ask background questions like whether the ED occurred slowly or abruptly. The patient will be asked if he has tried any medications. The doctor’s questions are to help determine root causes for the issue and will include asking about diet, alcohol and drug use, and stress factors. Finding possible causes for ED is an important first step in treating it.

The urologist and patient will discuss best treatment options for ED. In many cases, oral medication, possibly along with some minor lifestyle adjustments, will fix the issue and allow healthy men to return to their normal sexual activity. For some men, oral medication does not help. The urologist may suggest injections. Patients will learn in the office how to administer a very low-pain injection at the base of the penis. There are very few cases where neither the oral or injected medication solves the issue.

Outcomes are best when the patient feels comfortable talking to his urologist about sensitive issues. The Advanced Urology Institute has urologists who can treat erectile dysfunction in a way that puts a patient at ease. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

How the Prostate Changes As You Age

For the early part of men’s lives, their prostate is an organ that they never notice. The walnut-shaped reproductive organ located just below the bladder does its job without causing any interruptions in their daily lives. However, this changes as men age. Beginning around age 40, their prostates begin to grow. According to board-certified urologist Dr. Billy Vanasupa, “There’s no rhyme or reason, it just does.”

The rate of growth is different for everyone. The prostate will grow faster in some men than in others. In some cases, the enlarging prostate can cause problems immediately for a man in his early 40s. In other cases, men may be in their 80s or 90s before they begin to see the effects of a growing prostate. Most commonly though, men in their late 50s and early 60s begin to experience urinary issues that begin slowly and increase in severity.

Some of the most common issues are the slowing of the urine stream, pushing to urinate, having to go back to the bathroom 10-15 minutes after urinating, feeling like the bladder may not be fully emptied, and having to get up frequently at night to go to the bathroom. All the symptoms can be associated with the frequent and sudden urge to use the bathroom.

These symptoms are a sign that it is time for a man to see his urologist. The symptoms will only increase in severity without treatment as the prostate continues to grow. The urologist will begin by helping a patient understand what is causing the issue, using a diagram to show where the prostate is and how it presses on the urethra as it grows. The enlarging prostate makes it difficult for urine to pass through the urethra on its way out of the body.

Treatment begins with medication to help with urination. These medicines help slow the growth of the prostate and relax the muscles around the bladder to make urination easier. A urologist also will do a PSA test to screen for prostate cancer. Not all cases of prostate enlargement are connected to cancer growth, but it is important to screen for the disease as a precaution.

Men’s bodies change in many ways as they age, and the prostate is no exception. Urologists at the Advanced Urology Institute focus on making sure their patients understand how their bodies are changing with age and how they can work with their urologist to stay in the best shape. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

What is the Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction, According to Dr. Harris?


  • Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that can result from both mental and physical factors, such as depression, anxiety, stress, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and substance abuse.
  • Certain risk factors, including heart disease, diabetes, tobacco use, drug and alcohol use, and being overweight or obese, increase the likelihood of developing ED.
  • Urologists can diagnose ED through a physical exam and questioning, and treatment options typically start with oral medications, followed by injections if medications prove ineffective.

Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED, is the inability of a man to get or maintain an erection firm enough for intercourse. ED is a very common issue that can negatively affect a man’s self-confidence and his relationship with his partner. Many men see urologists for help with ED when this happens.

Dr. David Harris of Fort Myers, FLThe primary symptom of ED is trouble getting and maintaining an erection, and reduced sexual desire is often associated with it. There are many factors that can cause ED, and they can be divided into two categories: mental and physical. Depression, anxiety and stress are mental factors that can cause ED. There are also physical factors, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and substance abuse. There are plenty of cases when it is a combination of mental and physical factors that cause ED.

All men are at risk for erectile dysfunction; however, there are some factors that increase the likelihood of developing it. Heart disease and diabetes are key risk factors that increase the likelihood of ED. Tobacco use causes damage to arteries, restricting blood flow and raising the chances of ED. Drug and alcohol use are risk factors as well. Men who are overweight, and especially those who are obese, are also at greater risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

A urologist can diagnose ED by performing a physical exam and asking a few questions. Once diagnosed, urologists can consider a variety of options for treatment, depending on the patient. The first option is usually oral medication. Urologists will try different medications to help patients maintain erections. If none are effective, then the urologist may prescribe injections. Small injections can be made to the shaft of the penis that dilate the blood vessels in the penis, allowing better blood flow and erections. The patient can administer these injections himself as needed.

Erectile dysfunction is not uncommon and as Dr. David Harris says about treating it, “As urologists, we are the leading authority.” Urologists see cases of ED on a daily basis and are accustomed to having conversations about it and finding the best way to solve the issue with their patients. In most cases a patient who is motivated to work with his urologist on finding the best treatment will eventually find a solution that works. The Advanced Urology Institute helps many patients explore their options and treat their ED so they can continue their normal lives and activities. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.


My name is David Harris and I’m a urologist with Advanced Urology Institute in Fort Myers. That’s very common. And I think one reason men come into us is I think they understand that as urologists we’re the authority. And we have the literature, we have the established urological associations, understanding and framework from which to address this. And you’ll find ads in the paper, ads on the radio, a lot of quick easy ways to treat this. And patients come to us because they want to know that it’s safe and that they’re going to get an expert to tell them what to do. So yes, we see a lot of patients, it’s a daily thing, and I see in this day and age men much more comfortable coming in the office and saying, you know, Doc, I need a little help. You know, I’m not terrible, but I’m not where I was. Please help me with erections. And I think if you look back 15 years ago, there was less of that. So I think men are much more comfortable coming in and talking about it. And we have a variety of options. Okay. And that’s the same kind of thing. You have to talk to that patient about what their comfort level is, and their health issues, and help define for them the way you want to approach that. I think a fair statement, it doesn’t mean everybody’s got a fix for everything. But I think a guy that is very motivated can find an option to treat ED that will be successful.


Kidney Stone Surgery and Removal Procedures

Kidney stones can be stubborn and painful. In many cases, patients rely on a urologist for help removing these painful obstructions. Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals that form in the body and can cause blockage in the urinary tract. Urologists will decide how to treat the stone based on factors like its size, the patient’s health and the amount of pain it’s causing.

Dr. Brian Hale of Palm Harbor, FLOne cutting-edge and noninvasive method for treating kidney stones is called shock wave lithotripsy. Board-certified urologist Dr. Brian D. Hale describes it as using water waves to break up the stone. A machine is put against the patient’s body and creates small explosions. The water waves from the explosions target the stone. As many as 2,500 water waves are directed at the stone during a single treatment.

These waves break the stone into small pieces similar to sand. The patient will be able to pass these much smaller pieces with greater ease. The whole treatment takes about 25 minutes. The procedure is mostly pain free but does require the patient to go under general anesthesia. In the early 2000s, patients were not required to go under anesthesia for this procedure. However, it was found that natural movements from the patient made it difficult to concentrate the water waves on the stone, so putting patients under anesthesia is now the general practice.

Each case of kidney stones is different, and noninvasive measures are not always an option. An alternative procedure for stone removal is to use a scope to go up the patient’s penis through the urethra to the kidney and then use a medical laser to break up the stone and pull out the fragments. This is the preferred method for some of the smaller stones that cannot be broken up with shock wave lithotripsy.

For larger stones in the kidney, urologists may recommend a more invasive form of surgery called percutaneous nephrolithotomy. In these cases, the urologist will make a small incision in the patient’s back to reach the kidney directly. The urologist then will use a scope and either a laser or ultrasound energy to break up the stone. This procedure also requires general anesthesia and the patient may need to stay in the hospital for one to two days to recover.

There are many options for patients suffering from painful kidney stones. The many urologists of the Advanced Urology Institute have committed to finding the best options to relieve the pain of kidney stones. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Kidney Stones: Who is at Risk

Kidney stones are a common medical issue that arises when hard deposits of minerals form in the kidney and can affect the urinary tract. These stones can cause severe pain in the abdomen and groin, nausea, and pain during urination. Kidney stones have no single or set cause. Anyone is at risk of developing kidney stones at some point in life.

Dr. David Harris of Fort Myers, FLAlthough anyone can develop stones, there are certain factors that can indicate who gets them and how they occur. As urologist Dr. David S. Harris states, “There are certain features of a person’s stone history that are predictors to us if they’re going to have more stones.” A patient suffering from kidney stones will want to consult a urologist to see what can be done to limit the chances of developing kidney stones in the future.

A urologist may want to do a urine or blood analysis to see if there are any reasons for a patient to develop kidney stones. A urologist also may want to address some common risk factors for kidney stones. For instance, dehydration is a very common cause of kidney stones. For this reason, people who live in warm climates and are at greater risk of dehydration are also at greater risk of developing kidney stones. A urologist may recommend that someone living in a warm climate like Florida drink plenty of fluids every day.

People with diets high in salt, protein and sugar are also at increased risk of developing kidney stones. Too much salt especially increases the amount of calcium a person’s kidneys must filter, increasing the chances of stone development. Obesity also increases the risk of developing kidney stones, so weight management is something a urologist will strongly recommend if that is a factor.

Beside dehydration and dietary choices, genetics can play an important role in an individual’s risk of developing kidney stones. If someone in your family has kidney stones, then you are more likely to develop them as well. And once you develop kidney stones you are at a greater chance of developing stones in the future. For this reason, in addition to adjustments in water intake and diet, urologists sometimes will recommend medications.

Just because someone has had kidney stones before doesn’t mean they will have to suffer with them the rest of their lives. At the Advanced Urology Institute, doctors work with their patients to find and correct root causes for kidney stones. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Becoming a Urologist with Amar Raval, MD

A urologist plays an important role in healthcare. The field of urology encompasses many issues that people face throughout their lives, especially as they start to age. As urologist Dr. Amar Raval notes, urology allows him the opportunity to “provide a service to others.” As a urologist he gets to make a positive impact on his patients’ lives by helping them with many of the common issues that prompt people to seek medical help.

Dr. Amar Raval from Palm Harbor, FLOne common problem is kidney stone disease. Kidney stones form for a variety of different reasons. They are particularly common in warm climates, like Florida. Symptoms can vary, but they include severe abdominal pain, nausea, fever, chills, difficulty urinating or blood in the urine. Kidney stones can be very painful and some people need assistance to pass them. A urologist can assess the stones and determine the best way to remove them. In some cases, experienced urologists can break up the stones using a shock wave treatment that is totally noninvasive.

Urologists also frequently see cases of prostate cancer, one of the most common cancers for men. The disease comes in many different forms, making each case unique. While some need to be treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, other forms are non-aggressive and can be left alone. Urologists also may recommend cutting-edge technologies like HIFU. Whatever the diagnosis, it is important to work with your urologist to monitor your prostate and find the best treatment plan for you.

Urinary incontinence is a common problem that many patients are embarrassed to discuss with their doctor. A urologist deals with many patients experiencing urinary incontinence and is accustomed to having in-depth conversations with their patients about incontinence. They know how to discuss the problem with patients so they feel comfortable while also finding the underlying issue causing the incontinence. Whether it is caused by stress, infection, lifestyle or another issue, a urologist can find the best solution and help a patient maintain a healthy and confident life.

There are countless other issues that bring patients to see a urologist for help. Dr. Amar Raval at the Advanced Urology Institute is one of many dedicated urologists improve their patients’ quality of life. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Screening for Prostate Cancer – Dr. Brian Hale

Urologist Dr. Brian Hale recommends that men over 50 years old be checked regularly for prostate cancer. It is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in men and it increases in likelihood as men age. Tests such as the PSA can help detect prostate cancer in its early stages when treatment is most effective.

The most common way to screen for prostate cancer is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. The PSA test is simple and works like this: Both cancerous and noncancerous prostate tissues create protein, and small amounts of that protein will enter the bloodstream. Prostate cancer cells produce more proteins than noncancerous ones, so if cancer cells are present there will be an increase in the proteins in the blood. The PSA test works by checking the blood for increased protein levels.

Dr. Brian Hale: Board Certified UrologistThere are pros and cons to PSA screening for prostate cancer. PSA tests can show increases in proteins when cancerous tissue is not actually present. This is called a false positive and can cause a great deal of stress for the patient and lead to more invasive tests that may not be necessary. For these reasons, among others, PSA tests were not recommended to patients for a period of time.

A few years after PSA tests stopped being recommended, Dr. Hale began noticing a troubling trend. He began seeing an increasingly large number of patients with prostate cancers that had metastasized, which is when it spreads to other parts of the body. This happens when prostate cancer goes undetected and has time to grow untreated. Dr. Hale noticed a correlation between the time PSA screening stopped being recommended and the up-tick in cases of fast-growing and metastasized cancers.

Because of this finding, Dr. Hale recommends that men continue PSA screening as part of their preventative care. Although it may not be a perfect test, its pros far outweigh its cons. Prostate cancer, when caught early is far easier to treat, and can often be treated with less extreme methods. Prostate cancers that have metastasized can be trickier and far more expensive to treat. Although some men may not like blood tests, it is better to take a simple blood test and catch an issue early than it is to let prostate cancer spread and turn into a much more serious medical problem.

As you age, it is important to take care of yourself and see the right doctors to discuss what is best for you. Dedicated urologists like Dr. Brian Hale at the Advance Institute of Urology have been discussing these issues with their patients for many years and will continue looking out for them. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

What Do Physician Assistants Do? – Mikhail Lezhak, PA

Ask Mikhail Lezhak what physician assistants do and you may be surprised by the answer. In the past, all professional medical care was performed by doctors and nurses. But doctors and nurses often spent a lot of time doing repetitive work that limited the time they had to focus on their specialty.

Mikhail Lezhak, Physician AssistantPhysician assistants, especially those in urology, may be called upon to do any of these things to assist the doctor:

  • Patient history checks, both directly with the patient and with recorded medical records. They will review records and update records. Based on what they learn, they will brief their supervising physicians about anything noteworthy
  • Perform physical exams. They can do the basic exams, but they also are trained to spot symptoms that require more advanced medical care
  • Order and interpret basic laboratory tests
  • For many relatively minor types of injuries, they may be qualified to handle the direct treatment
  • Assist surgeons doing surgical procedures
  • Perform minor surgical procedures, including suturing (making stitches); immunizations and injections; setting up, monitoring and removing intravenous feeds
  • Perform preoperative and postoperative care, including managing infection prevention
  • Prescribe medications as permitted
  • Provide patient counseling on medical issues, including self-care and follow-up
  • Set up health management plans and diets
  • Assist in maintaining a healthy, safe and sanitary healthcare environment, in accordance with health laws, regulations and accepted medical practices
  • Help maintain the proper stocks of medical supplies
  • Work with administrators and administrative staff to assure a more smoothly operating medical care environment

Essentially, PAs perform tasks that free up their supervising doctors for more difficult and complicated health issues. If this job sounds a lot like what nurses do, you are right. There is considerable overlap of responsibilities within medical communities.

In Florida, physician assistants do have a limited ability to prescribe and dispense medications. The ability for PAs to prescribe drugs is based on a written agreement between the PAs and their supervising board-certified doctors. That written agreement must have the following:

  • Effective for only five years, whereupon a new license is required
  • Requires the PA to take 10 continuing medical education credits before each license renewal period, including three hours about safe and effective prescribing of controlled substances
  • Only effective with that one PA-doctor agreement; it must be remade if the supervising doctor changes
  • Filed with the Florida Board of Medicine

There are some drugs that a PA cannot prescribe. For example, a PA working in urology cannot prescribe many of the same drugs that a PA working in psychiatry would prescribe, and vice-versa. Thus, there is local accountability for physician assistants within Florida about how they handle drugs.

Supervising doctors may have their PAs handle such duties as researching new medical device company products and keep the doctors advised on new drug formularies. PAs may be asked to scan medical journals for interesting issues as well as follow interesting and related legal cases involving their profession. They may help in medical research.

Just like nurses and nurse practitioners, PAs help the system run more smoothly by letting those who specialize spend more time on their side of the practice. The doctors can function more professionally as medical experts, and administrators can spend more time working with business management.

When you see Mikhail Lezhak, PA, at Advanced Urology Institute, you are seeing someone who has a wealth of training and experience in many of the same functions performed by a licensed medical doctor. Rest assured that your doctor still has you in good hands when your visit is with a medical professional who is a PA. For more information about physician assistants, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Prostate Cancer Treatment: How to Choose What’s Best for You

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affects men. The prostate is a small gland, similar in shape to a walnut, that produces the seminal fluid that helps transport sperm. Although anyone can get prostate cancer, it becomes more common as men age.

It can be difficult to detect prostate cancer as it has little to no symptoms in its early stages. For this reason, it is important for men to have their prostate routinely checked by their doctor. Only after the cancer advances do symptoms occur like trouble urinating, blood in semen, bone pain, erectile dysfunction and discomfort in the pelvic area.

Advanced Urology Institute Doctor: Dr. David HarrisSome prostate cancers grow slowly and, in some cases, need little to no treatment. Other cancers can be aggressive and spread quickly. It is important to see your urologist often to monitor your cancer, as the best treatment for you will depend on the type of prostate cancer you have and how it reacts to treatment.

Treatments for prostate cancer vary depending on multiple factors. Urologists will look at a patient’s age, health and the type of prostate cancer when deciding on the best treatment. In a healthy young patient, a urologist may recommend robotic surgery or a radical prostatectomy. These are well-tested and invasive treatments that can produce very good outcomes.

For patients who may be a little older and not in the best of health, radiation therapy may be their best option. Having access to quality radiation therapy can be a game changer in prostate cancer treatment and can create excellent outcomes. It also will be easier on a patient with other health issues.

There are also newer advances that can be used to treat prostate cancer. For example, cryotherapy uses extremely cold temperatures to destroy cancerous tissues in the prostate by freezing them. Another example is HIFU therapy. This stands for stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound and uses an intense ultrasound, focused on the prostate, to treat the cancer and is minimally invasive.

Prostate cancer is a serious and often frightening prospect. Many men will suffer from this cancer, but they are not alone. Along with their urologist, men can combat their cancer in a way that produces the best outcomes. Dedicated urologists, like David S. Harris, MD at Advanced Urology Institute, have an arsenal of treatment options and are ready to help men live healthy lives. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options

Although it is very common, erectile dysfunction can be an embarrassing subject to discuss even with medical professionals. ED can affect men of all ages and can be caused by a variety of factors, so a wide range of treatment options are available.

How Is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

According to the Mayo Clinic, ED is the chronic inability to get and maintain an erection. It can be diagnosed by talking with a doctor, ideally a urologist, about the patient’s medical history. The doctor may perform a series of tests, including a physical exam, blood or urine tests, an ultrasound, or even a psychological examination to determine if mental health is a factor in the patient’s erectile dysfunction. Sometimes ED is connected to another underlying issue. All of these factors come into play when determining treatment.

What Are The Treatment Options For Erectile Dysfunction?

Mikhail Lezhak, PA of Daytona Beach, FLThere are many potential steps to be taken in the ED treatment process. The first step, especially when the patient is a younger man, is usually medical management. Doctors may prescribe common medications like Viagra or Cialis. Both medications are taken only when needed. They do not help cause an erection until the patient has already become sexually stimulated. They are safe, commonly prescribed medications; however, they can cause serious side effects in combination with other medicines, especially nitrates.

For many patients, Viagra or Cialis is enough to help solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. If, however, they are not, another option is a penile injection. The initial penile injection may be given at the doctor’s office as a way to introduce the patient to the process. After this introduction, the patient can self-administer the injections at home as needed.

When these medications are not enough to solve a patient’s erectile dysfunction, another option is penile implant surgery. This is only recommended in cases where no other treatment option has been successful and when the patient’s ED has no chance of being reversed. There are a variety of penile implants on the market to accommodate a patient’s lifestyle and needs.

Erectile dysfunction can lead to feelings of embarrassment and shame, relationship difficulties and lowered self-confidence. However, there is no need to worry that these issues will last a lifetime. With the wide range of treatment options available, ED can be managed, allowing patients to resume normal sexual activity after consulting with their doctor. Our team of urologists at Advanced Urology Institute have extensive experience in working with patients experiencing erectile dysfunction. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Treatments for Bladder Control Problems in Women

Urinary incontinence happens when the bladder becomes weak and urination happens by accident. Although they seldom want to talk about it, urinary incontinence affects women twice as often as men. The cause may be related to childbirth or menopause, and the structure of the female urinary tract plays a role as well.

If you suffer from this problem, it’s important to realize you are not alone. More than 33 million Americans deal with urinary incontinence or a bladder condition. Unwanted urinary activity occurs in both men and women and increasing age can be a partial cause. Is is estimated that one out of three women in the United States has a bladder problem.

Quynh-Dao Tonnu, PA-C of Daytona Beach, FLBladder control problems can vary, from occasional urine leakage that happens when you cough or sneeze, to having sudden urges to urinate so strong you do not make it to the toilet in time. There are several basic forms of incontinence and you can have more than one condition. There is urge incontinence, where you will feel a need to urinate all of a sudden as the bladder involuntarily contracts, compelling you to urinate immediately. Another form is stress incontinence. This is caused when physical stress from coughing or sneezing, or athletic activity, puts pressure on the bladder and causes leakage.

Some women experience overflow incontinence, which happens when you leak urine because your bladder does not empty all the way.

Assessing Causes of Urinary Leakage

When you make an appointment, your doctor or a physician assistant will ask for a thorough history of the problem, followed by a physical exam. Some simple and painless tests may be taken. Urinalysis is a test in which a urine sample is checked for traces of blood, signs of infection, nitrates, or other indications of a medical problem. You may be asked to create a bladder diary, keeping a record for a few days to track the amount of fluids you drink and the frequency and amount of urine, as well as details of urgency or leakage.

Another test may be a post-void residual measurement. You will urinate into a container, and then your doctor uses ultrasound to measure the amount of urine left in your bladder.

Treating Bladder Control Problems

  • Changing your diet and performing Kegel exercises may help with both urge and stress incontinence. Additional treatments may be recommended ranging from medications to surgery.
  • Medications can be prescribed, including anticholinergics (used to block neurotransmitters), antidepressants, estrogens, or nerve-stimulating drugs.
  • Injection therapy involves the injection of collagen and other compounds to bulk up the urethra.
  • Botox injection is another possibility. Injecting Botox into the bladder partially paralyzes muscles to help reduce overactivity.
  • Surgical options are available for treating bladder control issues. They include urethral slings or mesh tape inserted to support a sagging urethra, or sacral nerve stimulation through an implanted device that calms nerves of the bladder.

It is best to make an appointment with a urologist if you are experiencing bladder control problems. Our doctors at Advanced Urology Institute have years of experience with treating bladder problems and working with patients to find the best solutions. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

What Causes Kidney Stones by Dr. Howard Epstein

What causes kidney stones? This is a question that Dr. Howard Epstein hears often when he meets patients suffering from the symptoms, pain and problems caused by this common urological condition.

It is important to first know what the kidneys are and what is their normal function. The kidneys are often described as fist-sized, bean-shaped organs. They are located below the ribs, behind the stomach. Their main function is to filter the blood and maintain the proper balance of necessary salt, water and various minerals in the blood. Excess salt and minerals and other wastes are removed and sent to the bladder as urine. The filtered blood is sent to the heart, where it can carry oxygen and necessary nutrition to the rest of the body. Because the kidneys essentially make sure the blood is clean and healthy, they are critical for life.

Dr. Howard EpsteinFor a normal person, the kidneys will filter around 200 quarts of blood each day, and they will remove about two quarts of liquid each day in the form of urine. Since a healthy person of around 160 pounds has only five quarts of blood, that means the blood will flow through the kidneys around 40 times per day.

Of all the various ailments a person can have, kidney stones can be among the most painful. The stones are formed when the kidneys filter out an excessive amount of minerals, such as salt or calcium, and those minerals remain in the kidney long enough to start crystallization. It’s the same kind of process that can create rock candies. Over time, the crystals become larger, forming kidney stones. If they are small, they can often be flushed out (passed out) of the kidneys and the body without creating any problems. But if at any stage they get stuck in the body, they will continue to grow in that spot. The most common spot is in the kidneys, where they first start growing. As they grow, they hinder normal kidney function, reducing the flow of blood and reducing the kidney’s ability to produce and pass urine. A kidney stone can move and completely stop the flow of urine, which is really bad news.

If a person consumes too much salt, too many calcium-containing foods, takes certain medications or drinks far too little water, kidney stones can develop. There is evidence that genetics also can can cause stone-making kidney disorders. The end result can be very painful.

Drinking water every day is essential to good health. The citrate in lemon juice can be beneficial in small amounts. Artificially colored sodas and food, as well as too much coffee, can cause problems because of the types of chemicals that enter the body. The body also gets rid of excess water through perspiration, so it is important to drink enough water to urinate at least four times a day, with an average above that.
Anyone experiencing symptoms such as strong pains in the stomach area or on the side down to the groin should immediately see a doctor. There are numerous problems that can cause excessive side or abdominal pain and it is advisable to see a specialist. If you are concerned about the possibility of having kidney stones, schedule a consultation with Dr. Howard Epstein MD or one of the many highly skilled urologists at an Advanced Urology Institute location near you.

Becoming a Urologist – Dr. Arash Rafiei

Requirements To Become a Urologist

Like Dr. Arash Rafiei, all urologists are required to complete at least three years of college before they enter medical school. Most students complete four years of college with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry or Biology. After graduation from medical school, the urologist-in-training will complete a residency at a hospital, usually one with a specialty in urology. The residency is a minimum of five years. Time during residency may be split in some programs as two years in general surgery residency and three years in urology. Board certification takes another two to five years. So, effectively, urologists can expect to spend 13 years in study or residency before board certification.

Selecting Your Urologist

Dr. Arash Rafiei - Orange CIty, FLWhen choosing a urologist, you can specify that you would like a board certified doctor for your urology treatment. Make sure you write down all your questions for the doctor, and seek someone who will take into consideration your individual preferences. Ascertain that the facility and medical staff keep up to date on the latest technologies, such as minimally invasive techniques, as well as proven treatment guidelines.

What does a Urologist do?

Urologists are medical doctors who specialize in the male and female genitourinary tract, including the urinary bladder, urethra, kidneys, adrenal glands and male reproductive organs. They often diagnose and treat male fertility, prostate cancer, and receive ongoing training in other medical and surgical problems related to these organs.
Advanced Urology Institute is a center for excellence in urology with board-certified specialists to treat all areas of this field. If you need an appointment with a urologist in Orange City, Florida, our team specializes in:

  • prostate cancer treatment
  • kidney stones
  • problems with the bladder, including overactive bladder
  • prostatitis
  • erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • urinary tract infections
  • general urology
  • and other urology conditions.

Dr. Arash Rafiei, MD is board certified and a member of the American Urological Association, the American College of Surgeons, and the Iranian American Medical Association. For more information, call the office of Dr. Rafiei at (386) 774-2121 or call one of our many Advanced Urology Institute locations. Our doctors will answer your questions and deliver the best service and care based on your needs.

What is the impact of low testosterone on men according to Dr. Samuel Lawindy?


  • Low testosterone, or hypogonadism, can lead to reduced sex drive, shrinking testicles, low semen volume, and general fatigue in men.
  • If left untreated, symptoms of low testosterone can increase in severity, potentially causing hair loss, infertility, low bone density, loss of muscle, and weight gain.
  • Regular screening sessions for testosterone levels are important, and men experiencing symptoms should consult a trained urologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the development of the male sexual function. Besides being the main force behind a man’s sex drive and production of healthy sperm, testosterone also plays a role in the manufacturing of red blood cells and the distribution of fat in the male body as well as the regulation of muscle mass and bone density.

The production of testosterone drops gradually as men grow older and men over the age of 60 may develop symptoms of low testosterone. There are, however, instances where the production of testosterone slows down and falls below the required levels for reasons other than aging. Such men are said to be suffering from low testosterone. The level of testosterone can be measured through a simple blood test. In a normally functioning male, the level fluctuates between 300 ng/dL to 1000 ng/dL. If the level is below 300 ng/dL, then he may have low testosterone, also called hypogonadism.

Impacts of Low Testosterone on Men

Dr. Samuel Lawindy1. Reduced Sex Drive

A drastic decrease in a man’s urge to have sex may point to low testosterone. Often this will be accompanied by a failure to achieve or maintain an erection, or erectile dysfunction. It is common for men mistakenly to attribute a reduced sex drive to aging. While it is true that the older you are the less interest you may have in sex, this is a gradual process that keeps pace with other bodily changes so when it happens, it is not that much of a surprise. It does not happen abruptly.

2. Shrinking Testicles

Testosterone causes the increase in size of the testicles and the penis during puberty. If the levels go down, it is to be expected that these organs may shrink. The testicles also may feel much softer.

3. Low semen Volume

Testosterone stimulates the production of semen, so low levels of testosterone inhibit the normal production of semen.

4. General Fatigue
Low testosterone levels also may cause a proportionate decrease in energy levels, leading to fatigue. This may be accompanied by a dislike for physical activity and movement.

If left untreated, the symptoms of low testosterone increase in severity and with time may cause hair loss, infertility, low bone density that can develop into osteoporosis, loss of muscle and a marked increase in weight because fat distribution remains unregulated.

The symptoms experienced by patients with low testosterone can mimic symptoms of other conditions. It is therefore necessary for one to undergo diagnostic tests with a trained urologist to determine the cause. Men also should schedule regular screening sessions where their testosterone levels are measured. And it is important to note that hypogonadism is treatable. The Advanced Urology Institute has a highly qualified staff of specialists that can offer a wide variety of treatment options as well as answer any questions. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.


So my name is Samuel Lawindy, I’m a board certified urologist at Advanced Urology Institute.
Well low testosterone is a common issue that men may have. It is very important to be evaluated properly for low testosterone. There is a lot of lab values that can be obtained and a lot of information that can be obtained from the proper values and it is important to treat accordingly based on that number.

Not everyone should have testosterone. There are different ways to treat testosterone in regards to treating the hormone that provides testosterone in your body, sometimes blocking the hormone that converts testosterone to estrogen and it’s important to recognize that and treat that accordingly.

Low testosterone symptoms typically include fatigue, low libido, less desire for sex.

You can actually have weight gain, loss of muscle mass and some will actually have decreased outlook in life, somewhat depressed outlook.
Great, they feel wonderful.

If you treat them properly and the testosterone levels come up and they are doing well, tolerating medications well, then they live a normal healthy life.

They just need to be followed again, continually check the testosterone. It’s important to keep checking testosterone and they usually are very happy with the results.