All men who undergo a vasectomy are counseled to consider the procedure a permanent form of male sterilization. However, a number of factors such as loss of child or remarriage may call for vasectomy reversal. If you are a man who had a vasectomy in the past but are now considering a reversal, it is important to remember that the procedure is complex and requires specialized expertise and experience to perform successfully.
Where is the best place to get a vasectomy reversal in Florida?
While there are many qualified vasectomy reversal doctors and facilities in Florida, one of the best places to undergo the procedure is Advanced Urology Institute. This multi-dimensional urology practice has locations throughout Florida, including well-equipped clinics in Panama City, Daytona Beach, Blountstown, Perry, St Augustine, Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Tallahassee, Carrabelle, Orange City, Palm Coast, Oxford and other towns, bringing highly qualified and board certified urologists closer to those in need of their medical care. Advanced Urology Institute surgeons perform hundreds of vasectomy reversals every year with a remarkable success rate. The urologists are highly trained in their surgical technique and perform all procedures in accredited clinics with board-certified anesthesiologists who ensure maximum comfort during surgery.
Initial Consultation
A vasectomy reversal at Advanced Urology Institute means access to exceptional treatment and care at a center with an international reputation that offers vasectomy reversal as a specialization. You can schedule surgery over the phone, have your pre-operative appointment with a urologist the first day, and undergo the operation the next day. During the initial consultation, the urologist will review your history, personally perform a complete examination, and request any necessary tests such as blood studies, semen analysis and ultrasound exam. The urologist will discuss all options currently available, and the relative success rate of each, and will help you make the right choice.
Affordable Cost
The total cost for a vasectomy reversal at Advanced Urology Institute is less than $7,000. These charges include hospital, surgical and anesthesia fees, but exclude post-op semen analysis. You may have a secondary blockage in the epididymis (where sperm is stored behind the testicle) in which case the urologist will examine the fluid coming out of the proximal vas for sperm to rule out a blockage. When there is no blockage, the urologist will proceed with vasovasostomy, a simple vasectomy reversal procedure in which the vas deferens is sewn back together. In case of a blockage, there will be no sperm and the vas deferens will have to be connected directly to the epididymis at the point above the obstruction. This is done through vasoepididymostomy, a more complex vasectomy reversal procedure in which the doctor attaches the vas deferens straight to the back end of the testicles. There will be no additional charges for the complex reversal as the urologist will decide on the appropriate type of reversal at the time of surgery.
Book Your Appointment
Vasectomy reversal at Advanced Urology Institute is an outpatient procedure that is completed in one day. Follow-up appointments may be scheduled the day after the operation and you will return to routine work after 3-4 days. Sexual activity may be resumed after 2 weeks. If you have been considering a vasectomy reversal, be sure to call Advanced Urology Institute and request an appointment for more information.