The Green Light Laser Therapy, also known as the photoselective vaporization of the prostate is a procedure applied for the treatment of the enlargement of the prostate gland. About 5 years ago, urology had the option of open surgery, in order to remove the prostate gland tissue. But now, the option of Green Light Laser Therapy, a third generation laser, can be used to vaporize the prostatic tissue with minimal side-effects and it is considered to be a less invasive treatment.Moreover, doctor Evan Fynes, the urologist at the Advanced Urology Institute sustains the fact that Green Light Laser Therapy is appropriate even for men who take blood-thinning medication.Thus, this technique can now improve comfort and urinary flow and also the quality of life for men suffering from Prostatic Hyperplasia.
Who Can Benefit From Green Light Laser Therapy?
This is a recent addition to urology and it is considered to be a minimally invasive procedure in the treatment of the enlarged prostate in men and also in the treatment of prostate cancer. The procedure combines the technology of the fiber optics and high-powered laser light to vaporize the overgrown prostate cells.Also, this new procedure is used as an alternative to TURP or transurethral resection of the prostate. Doctor Fynes confirm the fact that this new type of therapy is as effective in improving the symptoms as TURP. Nevertheless, it is said to be a simpler and more efficient procedure.First, men who suffer from prostate enlargement will be offered the alternative of medication. Still, if the medication fails and the issue affects the quality of life of the patients, he will choose to resect the prostate by going through the urethra.
The Benefits Of Green Light Laser Therapy
The first major benefit that Doctor Fynes mentions is the fact that this procedure is suitable for men who are on blood thinning medication and who cannot give this medication up, due to other diseases or possible complication.Thus, Green Light Laser Therapy is beneficial because it has minimal bleeding effects and those blood thinners can stop the bleeding immediately. Moreover, patients can ho home with a catheter for just another day and they can resume the daily activities in about 2 or 3 more days. Another positive aspect is that complication may occur infrequently, and they are just a small possibility.After the treatment, there will be fewer symptoms linked to urinary obstruction and men will benefit from long-term success in improved urinary flow.
Procedure and Recovery
This is an out-patient procedure that will be performed by a trained urologist. The pulse of light transmitted from the laser will be absorbed by the blood and the nearby tissue will easily be vaporized. This procedure lasts for approximately one hour.After the intervention, patients are usually discharged in a few hours and the catheter will be removed in one or two days after the procedure. Also, men can return to their normal activities in about 3 days after the Green Light Laser Therapy procedure.If you are in search of such a successful treatment, Doctor Even Fynes, urologist at the Advanced Urology Institute can help you diagnose, treat and fully recover from these unpleasant prostate gland problems and urethral restrictions and can give men back the quality of life they deserve.