Who uses the Davinci Robotic System for kidney cancer treatment? – Dr. Evan Fynes


  • Dr. Evan Fynes, a urologist in Port Orange, FL, uses the DaVinci Robotic System for kidney cancer treatment, performing both total and partial nephrectomies.
  • The DaVinci Robotic System provides enhanced visualization and precision during surgery, allowing for more accurate tumor removal and preservation of healthy kidney tissue.
  • Robotic-assisted kidney cancer surgery results in reduced pain and faster recovery times for patients compared to traditional open procedures.

The DaVinci Robotic System has revolutionized various fields of surgery, including urology. Dr. Evan Fynes, a urologist in Port Orange, FL, specializes in using this advanced technology for kidney cancer treatment. In this article, we will discuss how Dr. Fynes employs the DaVinci Robotic System for kidney cancer procedures, such as nephrectomies, and the benefits it offers patients.

Robotic Surgery for Kidney Cancer

In the past, kidney cancer surgeries required large incisions and lengthy hospital stays. However, with the introduction of the DaVinci Robotic System, patients can now experience quicker recovery times and reduced pain. Dr. Fynes uses the robotic system to perform both total and partial nephrectomies. Total nephrectomies involve the removal of the entire kidney, while partial nephrectomies allow for the removal of only the tumor, preserving the healthy kidney tissue.

Enhanced Visualization and Precision

One of the key benefits of the DaVinci Robotic System is the improved visualization it provides during surgery. The system magnifies the surgical field, allowing Dr. Fynes to perform precise dissections and remove tumors with greater accuracy. This enhanced visualization is particularly beneficial for partial nephrectomies, where it is crucial to separate the tumor from the healthy kidney tissue without causing damage.

Reduced Pain and Faster Recovery

Robotic-assisted surgery with the DaVinci Robotic System is significantly less painful for patients compared to traditional open procedures. The smaller incisions used in robotic surgery result in less blood loss, reduced pain, and faster healing. As a result, patients can return home and resume their normal activities much sooner. According to Dr. Fynes, patients who undergo robotic-assisted kidney cancer surgery are typically discharged from the hospital in just two or three days, compared to five to seven days for traditional open procedures.

Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Evan Fynes is a part of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida. This institute is committed to providing the highest quality of care for their patients through the use of cutting-edge technology, such as the DaVinci Robotic System. By choosing the Advanced Urology Institute for your kidney cancer treatment, you can trust that you are receiving the best possible care from highly skilled and experienced professionals.


Back in olden days, so to speak, we used to make a bigger incision, and the patient would
be in the hospital five to seven days, and now with the robot, a lot of people are home
in two or three days after removing a kidney.
Hello, Dr. Evan Fynes, I’m a urologist with Advanced UrologyInstitute.
So the robot is also being used extensively for kidney type, kidney surgery, whether it’s
removing the whole kidney for somebody with a presumed kidney cancer, or a lot of times
these days we’re doing something called partial nephrectomies with the robot, where you’re
able just to remove the tumor and leave the kidney behind.
In regards to robotic surgery with the kidney, it just magnifies everything.
You’re able to get fine movements to dissect the tumor off, remove the tumor, and close
the kidney back up.
It’s also a lot less painful for patients.


Is Dr. Evan Fynes reporting that kidney stones are more common in Florida?


  • Dr. Evan Fynes, a urologist in Port Orange, FL, has observed a higher prevalence of kidney stones in Florida due to the hot and humid climate causing chronic dehydration.
  • Conservative management, such as medications and increased fluid intake, is often the first approach to treating kidney stones.
  • Surgical treatments, such as ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, may be necessary when conservative management is unsuccessful.

Dr. Evan Fynes, a urologist in Port Orange, FL, has observed that kidney stones seem to be more common in Florida compared to other regions, such as Ohio. He attributes this higher prevalence to the hot and humid climate in Florida, which can lead to chronic dehydration. In this article, we will explore Dr. Fynes’ observations and the ways kidney stones can be treated.


Prevalence of Kidney Stones in Florida

According to Dr. Fynes, kidney stones are a common issue for many patients in Florida. The hot and humid weather often results in increased sweating, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of kidney stones, as it can cause a buildup of minerals and salts in the urine, leading to stone formation. Many individuals in Florida visit emergency rooms with symptoms such as abdominal pain, side pain, and vomiting, which can be indicative of kidney stones.


Conservative Management of Kidney Stones

Dr. Fynes notes that there are several surgical ways to treat kidney stones, but often, a conservative approach is initially attempted. Depending on the size and location of the stone, patients may be given medications and encouraged to increase their fluid intake to help pass the stone naturally. This conservative management aims to avoid invasive procedures and reduce the risk of complications.


Surgical Treatment Options for Kidney Stones

When conservative management is unsuccessful, Dr. Fynes may recommend surgical intervention to treat kidney stones. Two common surgical methods include ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). In ureteroscopy, a small scope is inserted into the ureter, and a laser is used to break up the stone into smaller pieces, which can then be passed naturally. ESWL, on the other hand, involves using shock waves from outside the body to break up the stone, allowing the fragments to be expelled through the urinary tract.


Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Evan Fynes is a part of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida. The institute is committed to providing the highest quality of care for their patients through the use of cutting-edge technology and evidence-based treatment approaches. By choosing the Advanced Urology Institute for your urological needs, you can trust that you are receiving the best possible care from highly skilled and experienced professionals.



So coming from Ohio you know we saw a lot of kidney stones but then coming
down here for the year I’ve been down here so far it’s been stones everywhere
everybody’s just chronically dehydrated due to the sweating and the humidity and
that’s usually the most common cause of kidney stones is dehydration.
Hello Dr. Evan Fynes . I’m a urologist with Advanced Urology Institute. You’ll see a
lot of people commonly go into the emergency room with abdominal pain and
pain on their sides and throwing up and one of the first things they they want
to check out is if you have a kidney stone or not so down here this kidney
stones run rampant. Usually there’s there’s a lot of different surgical ways
of treating a stone but a lot of times these stones depending on kind of
patients clinical outlook we give them a chance to pass the stone if it’s
depending on where it’s at the kidney or it’s close to the bladder and then the
size of the stone so a lot of times we try to do conservative management with
medication to try to pass the stone otherwise a lot of times we have to go
up and get the stone and use a laser to break it up or sometimes we use shock
weight lithotripsy blasted with shock waves from outside the body.


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Why did Dr. Evan Fynes choose urology?


  • Dr. Evan Fynes, a urologist in Port Orange, FL, chose urology as his specialty due to the diversity of cases and the daily challenges it offers.
  • Patient interaction is one of Dr. Fynes’ favorite aspects of his work, as it allows him to build relationships and better understand his patients’ needs.
  • Dr. Fynes finds great fulfillment and reward in helping patients overcome their urological problems and improve their quality of life.

Dr. Evan Fynes, a urologist in Port Orange, FL, has a passion for his work and a deep appreciation for the variety and patient interaction that comes with practicing urology. In this article, we will explore the factors that led Dr. Fynes to choose urology as his specialty and how his work positively impacts patients’ lives.

The Path to Urology

Dr. Fynes grew up in Toledo, Ohio, and completed his undergraduate and medical education, as well as his six-year urologic residency, at the University of Toledo. Early on in his training, Dr. Fynes was encouraged by a friend who was a urology resident to explore the field of urology. He quickly found that he enjoyed the diversity of cases and the daily challenges that came with the specialty. From kidney stones and enlarged prostates to kidney cancer, every day brought something different to his work.

Patient Interaction

One of the aspects of urology that Dr. Fynes particularly enjoys is the patient interaction. He values the opportunity to develop relationships with his patients, often bonding over shared interests, such as football. This rapport allows him to better understand his patients’ concerns and provide tailored treatment plans to address their specific needs.

Making a Difference in Patients’ Lives

Dr. Fynes finds great fulfillment and reward in helping patients overcome their urological problems. Whether it’s removing a kidney stone or vaporizing prostate tissue to enable a patient to urinate without a catheter, he takes pride in the positive impact his work has on patients’ lives. Their gratitude and satisfaction make his efforts worthwhile and further solidify his passion for the field of urology.

Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Evan Fynes is a part of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida. The institute is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for their patients through the use of state-of-the-art technology and evidence-based treatment approaches. By choosing the Advanced Urology Institute for your urological needs, you can trust that you are receiving the best possible care from highly skilled and experienced professionals.


I never met an unhappy urologist. They all seemed to really like what they did for a
living and were really enthusiastic about their job.
Hello, Dr. Evan Fynes. I’m a urologist with Advanced Urology Institute. I’ve been down
here in Florida about 15 months now. I came down from the great state of Ohio. I grew
up in northwest Ohio, Toledo, Ohio. I went to school at the, basically did all my training
in Toledo. Went to undergrad, med school, and then did a six-year urologic residency
at the University of Toledo. Urology really caught my interest early on in my training.
I had actually a good friend that was a urology resident, and he told me to kind of check
out urology. And so when I really looked into it, I mean, I really liked the diversity of
the cases. Every day you’re doing something different, whether it’s kidney stones, somebody
with a large prostate, to taking out or removing kidneys because of kidney cancer. You never
knew what you were going to do that day. It was a wide variety.
One of the favorite things I like about my work is just patient interaction. A lot of
times when I initially talk about a patient, they’ll walk in with a Pittsburgh Steelers
hat on, and the first 10 minutes of my conversation is talking about football. And so I really
enjoyed the patient interaction of getting to know somebody, developing that relationship
with somebody, and then trying to help them with their problem. From that, when you get
to help them with their problem and basically correct their situation, whether it’s removing
a kidney stone or they have a catheter in and you take away their, you know, vaporize
their prostate tissue and they’re able to pee on their own, they’re very satisfied with
having that catheter out. It does give you a sense of fulfillment and reward that
you’ve helped somebody, and they’re usually very grateful.


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