How Are Genetics Transforming Our World? Dr. Saumil Karavadia Explores the Latest Advancements


  • The Human Genome Project has laid the foundation for understanding the genetic factors behind diseases and cancers, including those related to urology.
  • Genetic research is opening up new possibilities for targeted cancer therapies, including gene suppression and amplification techniques.
  • The Advanced Urology Institute, as the largest urology practice in Florida, is at the forefront of applying these genetic advancements in patient care.


Advancements in genetics are revolutionizing the field of medicine, particularly in the area of urology. In a recent talk, Dr. Saumil Karavadia, a leading urologist in Ocala, FL, highlighted how these breakthroughs are providing new ways to diagnose, treat, and even prevent diseases and cancers. This article delves into Dr. Karavadia’s insights, shedding light on the future of urology and the impact of genetic research on patient care.


Mapping the Human Genome: A Pivotal Achievement

Dr. Saumil Karavadia, of Advanced Urology Specialists, emphasized the importance of the Human Genome Project, which successfully mapped the human genome. This groundbreaking accomplishment has paved the way for a deeper understanding of the genetic factors behind various diseases and cancers.

By identifying the genes that play significant roles in the development of cancer, researchers can now focus on ways to suppress these genes and develop targeted therapies. Dr. Karavadia believes that this knowledge will play a crucial role in cancer treatment in the coming years.


Gene Suppression and Amplification: The Future of Cancer Treatment

According to Dr. Karavadia, one of the most promising areas of genetic research involves manipulating genes that contribute to cancer development. By suppressing harmful genes and amplifying beneficial ones, it is possible to inhibit cancer growth and improve patient outcomes.

For instance, scientists are now able to pinpoint the specific genes that drive cancer progression and devise targeted therapies to counteract their effects. This personalized approach to medicine has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, moving away from the traditional one-size-fits-all therapies.


The Role of Advanced Urology Institute in Advancing Urologic Care

As the largest urology practice in Florida, the Advanced Urology Institute is committed to staying at the forefront of medical advancements. With a team of highly skilled specialists like Dr. Saumil Karavadia, the institute is well-equipped to provide patients with cutting-edge treatments based on the latest genetic research. By embracing these breakthroughs, the Advanced Urology Institute continues to lead the way in providing high-quality, personalized care for patients with urologic conditions.


My name is Saumil Karavadia, I’m with Advanced Urology Specialists.

We have mapped the human genome, so that certainly has been a big forefront development into finding out the genetics behind all these diseases and cancers.

And when you find out that certain genes play a big role in the cancer development, you can certainly suppress them. You can also amplify the good genes that shut off the cancer growth, and that will certainly play a big role in treating cancer in the future.


What are the benefits of Green Light Laser Therapy according to Dr. Evan Fynes?


  • Green Light Laser Therapy is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure for treating enlarged prostates, offering an alternative to traditional surgical methods.
  • The therapy is particularly beneficial for patients on blood-thinning medications, as it helps stop bleeding while vaporizing the prostate.
  • Studies show that the outcomes of Green Light Laser Therapy are comparable to those of the classic TURP at five years, providing patients with similar symptom relief and fewer complications.

Green Light Laser Therapy is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that has revolutionized the treatment of enlarged prostates. Dr. Evan Fynes, a urologist in Port Orange, FL, highlights the advantages of this cutting-edge technology over traditional surgical methods, particularly for patients on blood-thinning medications.


The Green Light Laser Technology

Dr. Fynes explains that the Green Light Laser is a special laser designed to vaporize the prostate in men with enlarged prostates causing urinary symptoms such as frequent nighttime urination, weak urinary stream, or difficulty forcing urine out. Initially, patients are prescribed medications to alleviate symptoms, but if these fail to improve their quality of life, Green Light Laser Therapy may be considered as an alternative treatment option.

This third-generation laser technology enables the vaporization of prostatic tissue, offering a less invasive and more efficient treatment for enlarged prostates.


Benefits for Patients on Blood Thinners

One of the primary advantages of Green Light Laser Therapy is its suitability for patients who cannot discontinue blood-thinning medications due to heart disease, stroke, or other conditions. The laser treatment not only vaporizes the prostate but also helps stop bleeding, making it a safer option for these patients compared to traditional surgical methods.


Comparable Outcomes to Classic TURP

Dr. Fynes notes that studies have demonstrated the outcomes of Green Light Laser Therapy to be equivalent to those of the classic Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) at five years. This means that patients can experience the same benefits in terms of symptom relief, but with a less invasive procedure and fewer complications.

Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Evan Fynes is a dedicated urologist at the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida. The institute is committed to providing state-of-the-art, evidence-based care for patients, ensuring that they have access to the latest advances in urological treatment. With a team of highly skilled professionals, the Advanced Urology Institute offers comprehensive care for a wide range of urological conditions.


Five, ten years ago, you’d have to do an open surgery to remove the prostate gland.
Now, the green light laser allows you to do an outpatient surgery on a really big prostate
and then they go home with a catheter usually for a day.
Hello, Dr. Evan Fynes , I’m a urologist with Advanced Urology Institute.
The green light laser, it’s a special laser we use to basically vaporize the prostate
for guys who have enlarged prostates that cause urinary symptoms, whether it’s getting
up a lot at night, if they have a weak stream, if they really have to force their urine out.
Usually we initially start them on medications, there’s several medications to start.
If they fail those medications and they’re still, the symptoms are affecting their quality
of life, then the option we choose is to basically resect their prostate by going through their urethra.
The green light’s a new technology, I think they’re on their third generation laser.
With this new generation laser, you’re able to vaporize the prostatic tissue.
The benefits of the laser really, these days, it’s meant for guys who are still on blood
thinner medication, who can’t come off those because of heart disease or stroke or things like that.
So the laser’s meant to actually vaporize the prostate while they’re on these blood
thinners because it helps stop the bleeding as you vaporize the prostate.
I feel like the outcomes are very similar to the classic TURP.
There’s been several studies out that show they’re basically equivalent at five years.


Being a Urologist: Why I Chose Urology – Dr. Evan Fynes

Video: Being a Urologist: Why I Chose Urology – Dr. Evan Fynes

Dr. Evan Fynes is a practicing urologist at Florida’s Advanced Urology Institute. The Advanced Urology Institute provides patient centered care with innovative and personalized treatments. For Dr Fynes, caring for his patients is one of the greatest joys of being a urologist. [Read Full Article…]

How Does the da Vinci Robotics System Revolutionize Surgery Explained by Dr. Karavadia


  • The da Vinci Robotics System has revolutionized urologic surgery by offering unparalleled precision and control during prostate and kidney procedures.
  • Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery include improved surgical outcomes, reduced blood loss, and faster recovery times for patients.
  • The Advanced Urology Institute, as the largest urology practice in Florida, is dedicated to providing cutting-edge surgical techniques and technology for optimal patient care.


The da Vinci Robotics System has transformed the surgical landscape, particularly in the field of urology. Dr. Saumil Karavadia, a renowned urologist in Ocala, FL, recently shared his insights on how this advanced technology has revolutionized prostate and kidney surgeries. This article delves into Dr. Karavadia’s perspective on the impact of the da Vinci Robotics System on surgical outcomes, patient recovery, and the future of urologic surgery.

The da Vinci Robotics System: A Game-Changer for Urology

Dr. Saumil Karavadia, MD, of Advanced Urology Specialists, emphasizes the significance of the da Vinci Robotics System in the field of urology. This cutting-edge technology allows surgeons to perform complex procedures with greater precision and control than ever before.

By providing enhanced visualization of the prostate and surrounding structures, the da Vinci Robotics System enables surgeons to identify and preserve critical nerves and blood vessels during surgery. This level of precision not only leads to improved surgical outcomes but also reduces blood loss and speeds up recovery for patients.

Key Advantages of the da Vinci Robotics System in Urologic Surgery

According to Dr. Karavadia, the da Vinci Robotics System offers several benefits for patients undergoing urologic surgery. These advantages include:

  • Precision: The robotic system allows for meticulous dissection of tissues and preservation of crucial nerves and blood vessels, minimizing the risk of complications and side effects.
  • Reduced blood loss: The enhanced visualization and precision of the da Vinci Robotics System lead to less blood loss during surgery, which ultimately benefits the patient.
  • Faster recovery: Patients who undergo robotic-assisted surgery generally experience a quicker recovery time compared to traditional open surgery. This is due to smaller incisions and less trauma to the surrounding tissues.

Advanced Urology Institute: Embracing Robotic Surgery for Enhanced Patient Care

As the largest urology practice in Florida, the Advanced Urology Institute is committed to providing its patients with the latest advancements in surgical techniques and technology. With skilled surgeons like Dr. Saumil Karavadia on their team, the institute has embraced the da Vinci Robotics System to improve surgical outcomes and patient recovery times.

By staying at the forefront of urologic surgery, the Advanced Urology Institute continues to lead the way in providing high-quality, personalized care for patients with urologic conditions.


My name is Saumil Karavadia, I’m with Advanced Urology Specialists.

The DaVinci robotic system is certainly one of the best inventions that have helped urologists get better in terms of prostate as well as kidney surgeries, and with that you can be very precise in seeing the individual nerves of the prostate, the blood vessels that are going into the prostate, and using that technology, using that magnification and fine control will give the best results in terms of less blood loss, certainly faster recovery, etc.


Do You Need Testosterone Therapy? Learn How Urologists Like Dr. Edward King Treat Low Testosterone


  • Testosterone is vital for maintaining bone density, muscle mass, and libido; low testosterone can lead to various adverse side effects.
  • Consultation with endocrinologists or urologists, like Dr. Edward King, is crucial for the proper diagnosis and treatment of low testosterone.
  • Testosterone therapy requires careful monitoring by a specialist to ensure patient safety and optimal results.

Understanding Testosterone and Its Importance

Testosterone, a naturally occurring anabolic steroid, is produced by the testicles and plays a vital role in the human body. According to Dr. Edward D. King, a renowned urologist in Oxford, FL, testosterone is responsible for increasing bone density and muscle mass. It also influences libido, or sex drive, and contributes to overall well-being.

Recognizing the Signs of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone levels can result in several adverse side effects. Dr. King explains that diminished libido, weakness, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, and an increase in weight gain (specifically fat instead of lean muscle mass) can all be indicators of low testosterone.

Seeking Professional Help for Low Testosterone

When faced with symptoms of low testosterone, it is crucial to consult with specialists such as endocrinologists or urologists. Dr. King emphasizes the importance of seeking care from professionals like himself who specialize in managing diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, and hypogonadism (the medical term for low testosterone).

Testosterone Therapy: Close Monitoring is Key

Testosterone therapy can be an effective treatment for low testosterone, but it requires careful monitoring by a qualified specialist. Dr. King highlights the potential risks associated with testosterone therapy, such as polycythemia (a significant rise in red blood cell count), which can lead to stroke if not closely monitored. Testosterone therapy can also cause an elevation in liver enzymes, necessitating regular liver function tests. It is essential to ensure that the patient’s testosterone level remains within the normal range – not too low and not too high.

Advanced Urology Institute: Leading the Way in Urological Care

The Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, is committed to providing exceptional care for patients with urological conditions, including low testosterone. Dr. Edward King and his team of expert urologists offer state-of-the-art treatments to help patients regain their quality of life and enjoy improved overall well-being.


My name is Dr. Edward King, I’m a urologist at the Advanced Urology Institute.

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid, so it occurs naturally in the body, it’s produced by the testicles, and it’s involved in increasing bone density and also muscle mass. When your testosterone is low, some of the side effects can include diminished libido or sex drive, weakness, fatigue, also loss in muscle mass, and increase in weight gain, that is fat as opposed to lean muscle mass.

Low testosterone should be managed by specialists such as endocrinologists or urologists, because we are the specialists in dealing with diminished libido erectile dysfunction and low testosterone, or the medical term is hypogonadism.

Testosterone therapy should be monitored closely because it can cause a pretty significant rise in the red blood cell count, that’s a condition called polycythemia, and it can lead to stroke, if not monitored closely.

It can also cause an elevation in liver enzymes too, so those need to be checked as well. And plus, we need to ensure that the patient’s testosterone level remains within the normal range, that is not too low, and certainly not too high.


Is Testosterone Therapy Right for You? Dr. Karavadia Explains How to Diagnose Low Levels


  • Testosterone is a crucial hormone for men, affecting their daily energy levels, sexuality, and overall health.
  • Low testosterone can cause various symptoms, including fatigue, hot flashes, gynecomastia, and low libido.
  • Treatment options for low testosterone include patches, gels, injections, and long-term pellet therapy.


Testosterone is a vital hormone for men, impacting their daily energy levels, sexuality, and overall health. Dr. Saumil Karavadia, a renowned urologist in Ocala, FL, provides insight into the symptoms of low testosterone, the importance of proper evaluation, and the available treatment options. Read on to learn more about testosterone therapy and how it could potentially benefit you.

The Importance of Testosterone for Men’s Health

According to Dr. Saumil Karavadia, MD, testosterone is a key hormone needed for men to maintain their health. Low testosterone levels can lead to numerous issues such as osteoporosis, decreased energy levels, and fatigue. Some individuals may experience symptoms similar to male menopause, including hot flashes, gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue), low libido, and persistent fatigue.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone: Seeking Evaluation

If you suspect you may have low testosterone, Dr. Karavadia recommends seeking a professional evaluation to determine the cause. In many cases, low testosterone levels result from primary testicular failure, where the testicles do not produce enough of the hormone. This condition often requires testosterone therapy for treatment.

Testosterone Therapy Options

There are several treatment options available for low testosterone, including patches, gels, injections, and long-term pellet options. Dr. Karavadia highlights the convenience of pellet therapy, as it allows patients to receive treatment every three to four months, reducing the need for frequent visits to the clinic.

The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Patients who undergo testosterone therapy often experience a significant increase in their energy levels, allowing them to be more active and enjoy their daily lives. Additionally, testosterone therapy can improve libido, overall well-being, and alleviate feelings of fatigue or depression that can occur with age.

Advanced Urology Institute: Expertise You Can Trust

Dr. Saumil Karavadia is a dedicated urologist at the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida. Their commitment to providing exceptional care ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment for low testosterone and other urological concerns. Trust the experts at Advanced Urology Institute to guide you on your journey to improved health and well-being.


My name is Saumil Karavadia, I’m with Advanced Urology Specialists.

Testosterone is a male hormone that certainly has a big impact on a male’s sexuality as well as the daily energy that a person goes through from a day-to-day basis. Testosterone is one of the key hormones that’s needed to actually be healthy.

If you have low testosterone, it can certainly lead to osteoporosis, worsening energy levels, being tired. The majority of the symptoms are having like a male menopause. Hot flashes, gynecomastia, low libido, low fatigue. Those are all very common symptoms of having low testosterone. 

First thing is you’ll want to get evaluated. You’ll want to get checked out for the most common causes for this. And majority of the time it’s primary testicular failure where the testicles itself, they don’t produce any testosterone. When that happens, you need to supplement with testosterone therapy. And that’s one of the most common ways to treat it. There are several treatment options including patches, gels, injections, as well as long-term pellet options which are great for people who want to come in every three or four months and just get one treatment.

Once you start testosterone therapy, the patients have a significant increase in their energy. They’re sleeping not throughout the day. They’re being active and enjoying their lifestyle. They also have an increase in libido. They have an increase in their well-being. They don’t have that tired or fatigued feeling which is a big cause for being depressed almost as you get older.


What’s the Debate About PSA Testing? Dr. Edward King Clarifies the Controversial PSA Test


  • The PSA test is a controversial method of prostate cancer screening due to its lack of specificity.
  • Individualized screening is essential, with men aged 55 to 70 and those in high-risk groups being encouraged to undergo screening.
  • The decision to undergo prostate cancer screening should be made between the patient and their physician, considering individual risk factors.

The Purpose of PSA Testing

Edward D. King, MD, FACS, a urologist in Oxford, FL, explains that the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is an enzyme found in the bloodstream. While the PSA itself is harmless, it serves as a marker for prostate cancer. In cancerous cases, more PSA tends to leak into the bloodstream, resulting in higher PSA levels. However, the PSA test is not highly specific, leading to controversy around its use in prostate cancer screening.

The Controversy Surrounding PSA Testing

According to Dr. King, among men with slightly elevated PSAs, the risk of finding cancer is about one in four. Due to this lack of specificity, other tests are often used alongside the PSA test to identify patients with elevated PSAs but no cancer. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has recommended against routine prostate cancer screening, which Dr. King believes is a mistake. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, tied with colon cancer, and some groups are at higher risk for developing and dying from prostate cancer.

Individualized Screening for Prostate Cancer

Dr. King emphasizes the importance of individualized screening for prostate cancer. He suggests that men aged 55 to 70, especially those in high-risk groups, should be screened. Men with low PSAs and no family history of prostate cancer may not need screening after the age of 70. Ultimately, the decision to undergo prostate cancer screening should be made between the patient and their physician, taking individual risk factors into account.

Advanced Urology Institute: Your Trusted Source for Prostate Cancer Screening

The Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, offers state-of-the-art prostate cancer screening and treatment options. Dr. Edward King and his team of expert urologists are dedicated to providing personalized care to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients.


My name is Dr. Edward King, I’m a urologist at the Advanced Urology Institute.

The PSA is an enzyme that floats in the bloodstream. The PSA in and of itself doesn’t harm you, it only serves as a marker for prostate cancer.
In cancers, more of the PSA tends to leak into the bloodstream, and so the PSA tends to be higher. But the PSA is not real specific, and that’s the problem.

Among men with slightly elevated PSAs, the risk of finding cancer is about one in four. So we have other tests that we also use along with the PSA to try to weed out patients whose PSAs may be slightly elevated but who don’t have cancer. It is controversial, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended against routine prostate cancer screening in men.

I think that that was a mistake because prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in this country. It’s tied with colon cancers, and there are some groups that are higher risk for developing prostate cancer and dying from it.

So the screening has to be individualized, so it’s a choice between made with the patient makes with his physician. Typically men who have low PSAs, no family history of prostate cancer, probably don’t need to be screened after the age of 70, but I do think that men between the ages of
55 and 70, especially men in high risk groups, do need to be screened.


Prostate Cancer – Risk Factors and Screening

Video: Prostate Cancer – Risk Factors and Screening

One of the major characteristics of prostate cancer is that it grows very slowly. The cancerous cells in the prostate can remain without symptoms for decades. This is why almost 75% of men with prostate cancer never even know they have a cancerous growth. Contact a urologist now and get treatment for this condition as soon as possible. [Read Full Article…]

What Can You Expect During Prostate Cancer Recovery? Insights from Dr. Saumil Karavadia


  • Radiation therapy for prostate cancer is well tolerated and has minimal side effects, allowing patients to quickly return to daily activities.
  • Robotic surgery has revolutionized prostate cancer treatment, offering a less invasive option with a quicker recovery time.
  • Patients can expect a hospital stay of up to 24 hours after robotic surgery, with a catheter in place for approximately one week during recovery.


Prostate cancer is a common concern for men, but advancements in treatment options have improved patient outcomes and recovery experiences. Dr. Saumil Karavadia, a leading urologist in Oxford, FL, shares his expertise on what patients can expect during recovery from prostate cancer treatments, including radiation therapy and robotic surgery.


Radiation Therapy: A Well-Tolerated Treatment

According to Dr. Karavadia, radiation therapy for prostate cancer is extremely well tolerated by patients. The treatment process is typically quick, allowing patients to return to their daily activities, such as golfing, shortly after receiving therapy. Additionally, radiation therapy tends to have minimal side effects, making it an attractive option for those requiring prostate cancer treatment.


Robotic Surgery: A Game Changer for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Robotic surgery has revolutionized prostate cancer treatment, offering patients a less invasive and quicker recovery option. Dr. Karavadia explains that patients undergoing robotic surgery for prostate cancer can expect a hospital stay of less than a day or up to 24 hours. Following surgery, patients are often discharged the next morning, allowing them to return home and continue their recovery.


Post-Surgery Recovery: What to Expect

After robotic surgery, patients will have a catheter in place for approximately one week. Once the catheter is removed, patients can continue recovering at home. Dr. Karavadia emphasizes that the recovery process is generally well tolerated by patients, further highlighting the benefits of robotic surgery for prostate cancer treatment.


Advanced Urology Institute: Your Partner in Prostate Cancer Care

At the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, Dr. Saumil Karavadia and his team of experts are committed to providing the highest quality care for patients with prostate cancer. By utilizing the latest advancements in prostate cancer treatment, the Advanced Urology Institute ensures that patients receive the best possible care and support throughout their recovery journey.



My name is Saumil Karavadia, I’m with Advanced Urology Specialists.

Treatment for prostate cancer with radiation is extremely well tolerated. Patients come in, they get their radiation treatment, and ten minutes later they go out in their golf cart and they’re playing golf. So it is very well tolerated, very few side effects. 

In terms of surgery, again, the robotics has certainly changed things and patients are in and out of the hospital in less than a day. Sometimes they take up to a day, but usually it’s 24 hours. You have the surgery in the morning, you stay overnight, and patients are ready to go home
the next morning. They keep a catheter in for about a week and they have it out after that, again, very well tolerated.


An Individual Approach to Treating Prostate Cancer

Video: An Individual Approach to Treating Prostate Cancer

After confirming a prostate cancer diagnosis, physicians proceed to determining the aggressiveness of the disease. This is called “cancer grading.” The pathologist will use the biopsy preparations to assess the differences between normal cancer cells and cancerous prostate cells. [Read Full Article…]

Dr Richard Roach – Prostate Cancer Treatment

Video: Dr Andrew Sher – Prostate Cancer Treatment

Surgery is uncommonly done for patients age 70 and over, as the gain in benefit does not counterbalance the increased risk. The operation is usually done through a lower abdominal incision, although some surgeons prefer the perineal approach, where the incision is made between the scrotum and rectum. [Read Full Article…]

Prostate Cancer – Understanding Your Options

Video: Prostate Cancer – Understanding Your Options

There are many treatment options for prostate cancer. Depending upon the stage of the disease, robotic surgery, radiation therapy, cryoablation, hormonal therapy and even watchful waiting are some of the alternatives to be considered. Contact a urologist now and get treatment for this condition as soon as possible. [Read Full Article…]