Are Medications Effective in Treating Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction occurs to some degree in about 50 percent of men 40-70 years old. But only 10 percent of men report a total inability to have erections. For 70 percent of men with ED, taking an erectile dysfunction drug can produce an erection sufficient for intercourse. The drugs typically improve the supply of blood to the penis and, together with sexual stimulation, they produce an erection that is hard enough to begin and complete intercourse.

What ED pills are available?

The first ED drug commonly offered is sildenafil (Viagra). It has been on the market for the longest time and its side effects and the foods it interacts with are well known. Other ED drugs available in the U.S. are tadalafil (Cialis), avanafil (Stendra) and vardenafil (Levitra). Another option is Staxyn, the fast-dissolving form of Levitra that is placed under the tongue.

How well do these drugs work?

In those who are otherwise healthy, ED drugs produce an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse in at least 70 percent of men. Although the results vary slightly with each person, 70-80 percent of men will respond well to these medications. In fact, the majority of men with ED are pleased to use these medications. And while there are some who may not have the desired effect from any of these drugs, including men with damaged arteries or nerves after prostate surgery, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes, a larger number will find them quite effective.

How quickly do the pills work?

The pills may not work if they are not used correctly. These drugs are not an on-and-off switch for erections. So they won’t work well if there is no sexual stimulation. After taking the drugs, it is important for a man to be with his sexual partner and have foreplay. Likewise, Viagra and Levitra do not work if taken after a meal and must be taken before eating. But Stendra and Cialis do not interact with food and can be taken after a meal. When used properly, it takes about 15-60 minutes for the pills to start working.

Which drug works best?

There is no specific ED drug that is the best. Studies have shown that all ED pills have similar efficacy and safety. So the best drug depends on the man’s body chemistry, lifestyle and needs. That is why men should consider their and their partners’ preferences and the cost of their preferred medications. For instance, they may consider how spontaneous their partners are when it comes to sexual activity.

Nevertheless, studies have shown that about 52 percent of men with ED prefer tadalafil (Cialis), 28 percent prefer sildenafil (Viagra) and about 20 percent prefer vardenafil (Levitra). Tadalafil is more popular because it offers a 36-hour window of opportunity to have an erection while the other pills offer a much shorter period.

What are the alternatives to ED drugs?

For men not satisfied with the pills or who have conditions that make these drugs ineffective, shockwave lithotripsy is a great alternative to explore. During this treatment, waves are delivered to the penis to create or improve vascularity. Even if shockwave lithotripsy does not work, the urologist may request a test to measure the rate of blood flow to the penis. The test can help the doctor determine if there are underlying issues that ought to be addressed.

Even though ED drugs are generally safe, they should not be taken by men with certain conditions. For example, men with heart disease should not take these drugs. ED patients should always tell their doctors about all their health issues and the medications they are taking during their consultations. With this information, doctors can recommend the right pills or treatment for each patient. For more information on treatment of erectile dysfunction, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Prostate Problem Warning Signs

At Advanced Urology Institute, we frequently see first-time visitors with symptoms of advanced stage prostate problems. For us, that is quite heartbreaking because it means the patients come too late, when only limited treatment options are available for their conditions.

As urologists, we always want the best for our patients. We want to see them leave when they can pee better and are free from the embarrassment of accidental urine leaks. And because early detection and treatment of prostate problems — whether prostate cancer or non-cancerous condition — improve the chances of cure and of long-term survival, we always encourage men to be more mindful of their bodies, especially when it comes to their urinary function and habits. By doing that, they are able to detect warning signs of prostate issues early and can seek treatment.

Warnings signs of prostate problems include:

  1. Frequent urination or frequent urge to pass urine.
  2. Passing urine more often than usual, particularly at night.
  3. Pain, discomfort or burning sensation when passing urine.
  4. Dribbling urine
  5. Weak or interrupted urine streams.
  6. Accidental urine leakage.
  7. Blood in urine or semen
  8. Frequent stiffness or pain in your lower back, rectal area, hips, upper thighs or pelvic area.
  9. Difficulty or inability to urinate
  10. Trouble with starting or stopping your urine stream.
  11. Painful ejaculation
  12. A feeling that you aren’t able to empty your bladder completely.
  13. Swelling of lower extremities.
  14. Paralysis or weakness in lower limbs.
  15. Inability to pass urine while standing up.
  16. Loss of appetite and weight, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

It is important to see a urologist immediately if:

  1. You find urination difficult, abnormal or painful. The doctor will examine your prostate gland to find out if it is inflamed, enlarged or has a cancer.
  2. You have frequent urination, urinary retention, blood in urine, dribbling or slow flow of urine, problems starting a urine stream, or repeatedly urinate urgently.
  3. You have a chronic pain in your pelvic, lower back, upper thigh or other areas of your lower extremities. While any unexplained ongoing pain in these areas may have various causes and always merits medical attention, seeing a urologist may help detect whether or not you have prostate cancer.
  4. You have swollen legs, weakness in your legs or trouble walking.
  5. You have unexplained weight loss.

As urologists, we have several options for tackling prostate problems, but our interventions normally depend on the severity of the symptoms, type of condition and how it is impacting your overall quality of life. For example, if the prostate condition is not severely affecting your quality of life and you have no complications (such as bleeding, bladder stones or urinary infections), the decision to treat the problem is often optional and left for you to make.

That means if you aren’t bothered enough to undergo a procedure or take medicine for the condition, then you’ll only need frequent follow-up with your urologist to check whether your symptoms remain stable over time and your bladder continues to empty well. But if you already have complications or your bladder is holding increased quantities of residual urine after urination, then we often begin treatment immediately.

To help you pass urine better, we may offer medications such as alpha blockers, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors or a combination of drugs. But minimally invasive surgical procedures such as TUMT (transurethral microwave thermotherapy) and TUNA (transurethral needle ablation), water-induced thermotherapy, PVP (photoselective vaporization of prostate), and HoLAP (holmium laser ablation of prostate) also may be considered. For more information on diagnosis and treatment of prostate problems, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Talking With Your Doctor About Enlarged Prostate

You are a man and, like most men, you aren’t that comfortable talking about your health. But if you live long enough or desire to live that long, you’ll have to talk about your health with your doctor. And later in life you are likely to have benign prostatic hyperplasia — about 80 percent of men will have BPH in their lifetime — and will need a urologist to either diagnose or confirm that you have the condition and then treat it.

What is BPH?

BPH means the prostate gland has grown so large that it is causing urinary problems. Often, as the gland enlarges, it presses on the urethra, narrowing or blocking it and making it difficult for urine to pass through the tube. Eventually BPH may cause bothersome and embarrassing urinary symptoms that may require specialized treatment.

You should see a urologist when:

  1. You are finding it problematic to start to urinate.
  2. You frequently have a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate.
  3. You have dripping or leaking of urine after you urinate.
  4. You have weak, slow or interrupted urine streams.
  5. You urinate frequently, particularly at night.
  6. You experience pain or discomfort or have to strain or push to urinate.
  7. You can’t empty your bladder completely.

Why should you see a urologist?

BPH should be promptly treated by a urologist because it can have adverse effects on your life. The condition can lead to complications such as urinary tract infections, kidney failure or urinary retention. Likewise, BPH may reach a point where you may have to plan every errand, activity or event you are attending around its proximity to a bathroom.

You also should see a urologist if you have a family history of the condition. The doctor will guide you on the actions to take to prevent or manage the condition, helping you avoid complications and make treatment more cost-effective. And since BPH and prostate cancer may have similar symptoms, speaking with your doctor about your symptoms may help you detect a more serious condition earlier.

How should you speak with a urologist?

Most problems brought to urologists are embarrassing. So rest assured that talking about BPH with the doctor is not a shameful, intimidating act but a courageous, lifesaving step. Don’t be reluctant to open up. Be willing to talk freely since the condition has a great prognosis if treatment begins early. Also there is a lot of value speaking with a urologist when the symptoms are still at their mildest stage because only a simple intervention may be needed. It is important to seek help as soon as symptoms begin to occur.

You should come to your appointment prepared with your complete medical history, medications and all the relevant information about your health and the procedures you have had in the past. You also should bring any information about your condition and a list of questions to ask.

Once you’re at the urologist’s office, make sure you are completely honest about the reasons for your appointment. Be open and say you are visiting because of your urinary problems. Honesty will help to prepare you and the entire urology team that will handle the case. It is also critical to talk about all the changes that you have seen in your health.

While treatment for BPH can be as simple as just avoiding alcohol and caffeine, emptying your bladder as completely as you can, or taking prescribed medication to reduce the symptoms, prevent further growth of the prostate or shrink the prostate, your primary focus should be on achieving an improved quality of life after treatment. Ask the urologist about the possible side effects of the potential treatments, the right treatment for you and how comfortable it will be for you moving forward. Whenever possible, seek non-surgical interventions first before you consider surgery.

If the condition can’t be controlled with medication, such as in severe BPH or when you have complications like bladder stones, urinary tract blockages or kidney problems, your doctor may suggest surgery. Various forms of surgery include laser therapy, transurethral prostatic incision, needle ablation or microwave therapy. It is important to speak with your urologist about the different surgical options before you are treated. For more information on diagnosis and treatment of BPH, visit the “Advanced-Urology-Institute‘” site.

How Is Prostate Cancer Treated

After a diagnosis of prostate cancer, there are several treatment options you may want to consider. However, there is no single option that is right for all men with prostate cancer. Some prostate tumors grow very slowly or don’t grow at all, so you may never even need treatment if you have such a tumor. Then there are tumors that grow rapidly and spread quickly to different areas of the body. Either way, you should work with your doctor to decide what is best for you. As you discuss your treatment with your cancer care team, it is important that you weigh the benefits of every option against the possible side effects and risks.

The factors to consider when choosing treatment for prostate cancer include:

  1.  Stage of your cancer (how far it has spread).
  2. Severity of the tumor (how large in size and how serious the symptoms are).
  3. How quickly the cancer is growing or spreading.
  4. Your age, state of health, lifestyle and expected lifespan.
  5. Any other serious conditions you may have.
  6. What every treatment involves.
  7. Possible side effects of the treatments.
  8. The possibility that the treatment will cure the tumor or help in some way.
  9. How the treatment chosen may affect other treatment options later should the cancer recur or spread.
  10. Your personal feelings about each treatment option.
  11. Practical issues such as nearness to hospital.

The most common treatments for prostate cancer include:

1. Active surveillance

The doctor keeps an eye on the cancer to make sure it can be treated should it begin to spread or grow aggressively. This option is appropriate if you have a small, localized, slow-growing tumor. The doctor will wait until symptoms appear in order to begin treatment. During active surveillance, the progress of the tumor is monitored through regular PSA blood tests, ultrasounds, rectal exams and biopsies. The tests help to check whether the cancer is getting worse so appropriate treatment can be administered as soon as it begins to grow or spread.

2. Radiation therapy

Radiation is aimed at the cancer to destroy the cells and treat the tumor. Image-guided radiotherapy ensures that prostate cancer can be treated with minimal effect on healthy cells. However, radiation therapy is still often considered more ideal for older men and those who have other serious health problems and less so for younger men. You also may undergo radiotherapy after surgery to help get rid of any cancer cells that remain behind or to treat cancer that has reached the bones. There are two forms of radiotherapy: external beam radiotherapy that is applied by a machine placed outside the body and internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy) that involves inserting small radioactive “seeds” into the body either near or into the cancer.

3. Surgery

If you are healthy and have a localized cancer, you may choose to have an operation to remove the prostate gland or to remove the gland and surrounding tissue. But surgery for prostate cancer is often associated with problems getting an erection and controlling urine, so you should speak with your urologist before the procedure to find out if measures are in place to protect your nerves and minimize such effects.

4. Hormone therapy

Prostate cancer cells require the hormone testosterone to keep growing. Hormone therapy, also called androgen deprivation therapy, is when the urologist applies treatment to ensure the cancer cells can’t get the hormone. The treatment either may lower the body levels of testosterone and other male hormones or block the way testosterone works.

5. Chemotherapy

Your urologist may prescribe drugs to kill prostate cancer cells or shrink the prostate. The drugs can be taken orally or may be injected directly into your bloodstream. Generally chemotherapy isn’t given for men with early-stage prostate cancer. But when the cancer is advanced or has spread to other areas of the body, then chemotherapy may be ideal. Apart from using drugs, the urologist may give the prostate cancer vaccine to boost your immune system in order to fight the cancer cells. The vaccine is often given to men who haven’t been successful with hormone therapy and it can help you live longer.

Surgery vs. radiotherapy: Which one is ideal for you?

While some men with low-risk localized prostate cancer and some with medium-risk cancer may find watchful waiting (active surveillance) appropriate, others with localized cancer may want to begin treatment right away. And in that case, either radiation therapy or surgery may be the suitable treatment.
Both radiation therapy and surgery work well for localized prostate tumors, limiting the possibility of the cancer spreading outside the prostate. Both treatments have side effects too, including bowel, bladder and erection problems. With radiation therapy, you are more likely to have bowel problems. But with surgery, you are more likely to have erection problems or leaking of urine. So the choice you make between radiation therapy and surgery should primarily depend on your treatment goals.

For example, if the goal is to treat the cancer by removing the prostate, then surgery is the proper treatment. Of course, there are men who just want to get the cancer out and they wouldn’t mind removal of the prostate too. Then there are some who want to avoid radiation so surgery suits them well. If the goal is treating cancer while also avoiding the risks associated with a major surgery, then radiation therapy is the ideal choice. Having radiation instead of surgery also will help to avoid erection problems and preserve your sexual function.

One form of treatment may be more appropriate for you than the other because of how you feel about it, other health problems you have and your life expectancy. For instance, young men do well after surgery while older men tend to respond well to radiotherapy. That is why you should discuss your options with your doctor before you make a decision.

Treating advanced-stage prostate cancer

For advanced prostate cancer — a cancer that has spread beyond the prostate and into other parts of the body — treatment may not cure the cancer, but will keep it in check and relieve symptoms. The treatment options for advanced prostate cancer include hormone therapy, chemotherapy plus hormone therapy and prostate cancer vaccine. Usually, hormone therapy is given for advanced-stage prostate cancer to help keep the cancer under control. But if after some time the cancer begins to grow again, other treatments may be administered along with the hormone therapy to control the cancer and alleviate the symptoms, though the hormone therapy regime is kept because it ensures that your testosterone level is low.

With prostate cancer, there is no perfect treatment for every patient. All definitive treatments come with side effects, which tend to vary depending on the patient and the actual treatment. As urologists, we are always endeavoring to minimize these effects by picking the appropriate treatment for each patient. We make sure that the treatment can effectively eliminate the cancer while also preserving the patient’s quality of life during and after therapy. For further information on treatment of prostate cancer, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

What is Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer

Immunotherapy is a beneficial treatment for men with prostate cancer, particularly those with incurable advanced-stage or recurrent form of the disease. The treatment works by activating your immune system to attack the cancer cells, shrinking the tumor or causing it to disappear altogether. Used alone or in combination with other treatments, like chemotherapy, hormone therapy or radiation therapy, immunotherapy is able to reverse the growth of prostate cancer after the other treatment options have failed.

How does it work?

Like many other tumors, prostate cancer evades the immune system by deactivation of T-cells, the blood cells that attack foreign materials and abnormal cells in the body. So immunotherapeutic approaches are designed in a way to enhance the response of the immune system to cancer cells by reactivation of the T-cells.

During immunotherapy, immature immune cells are obtained from a man with prostate cancer. This is done to allow the cells to get out of the environment where they can be detected and deactivated by the cancer cells as soon as they are mature. The immature cells then are re-engineered by combining them with an artificial version of PAP, the antigen expressed by 95 percent of prostate cancer cells. After re-engineering, they are supplied with a factor (GM-CSF) that boosts their survival, growth and maturity once they are infused back into the body.

Meticulously re-engineered, activated, trained and matured T-cells are infused back into the body — now with the ability to attack and destroy cancer cells. They act as antibodies against the cancer cells and are able to detect and eliminate the cancer cells. The infusion of re-engineered cells or antibodies against prostate cancer is done three times. But as the treatment goes on, you still will be on the treatment or drugs you were already taking prior to immunotherapy. That will allow your body to produce enough activated, trained and matured T-cells to fight the prostate cancer without ever again being deactivated or bypassed by the cancer.

Why should you consider immunotherapy for prostate cancer?

Immunotherapy is an amazing and highly effective treatment for the cancer. During treatment, your cancer treatment team can use a wide variety of immune-based strategies to develop antibodies against the tumor, killing the cancer cells and preventing its recurrence. It offers excellent results in men with advanced-stage hormone resistant prostate cancer and reduces the risk of cancer recurrence in men with high-risk, localized tumors when it is administered in combination with hormone therapy. The treatment increases the survival rate from prostate cancer and enhances life expectancy by several years.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we are offering immunotherapy as a treatment option for prostate cancer, particularly tumors that have spread beyond the prostate or become resistant. And as our understanding of how cancer cells relate with the immune system deepens, we are tapping into that knowledge to help improve treatment outcomes for our patients. So if you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, find out from your urologist if immunotherapy may be of help in your situation. Want to know more about the treatment options for prostate cancer? Visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Can females see a urologist?

There is a misconception that urologists only see male patients. In fact, over 40 percent of patients seen by urologists are female. Urologists are specialists in treating disorders of the urinary tract — the system of tubes, muscles and organs that process, convey and eventually expel urine from the body. So when women develop urological issues, such as loss of bladder control, pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, the best doctor to treat them is the urologist. Warning signs of issues involving the urinary system include:

  1. 1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Leaking urine.
  3. Frequent urination, particularly at night.
  4. Pain in the side or back.
  5. Discomfort or burning sensation when urinating.
  6. Pelvic pain
  7. Blood in urine

Apart from treating kidney stones, urologists frequently tackle the following issues in women:

1. Loss of bladder control

Dr. Chad HubsherFemales may have bladder control problems at any age. Also called urinary incontinence (UI), loss of bladder control is a common problem in women and they are twice as likely to have the problem as men. There are different types of urinary incontinence. For example, women who can’t hold urine as they cough, sneeze or exercise are said to have stress incontinence. This type of UI occurs when the muscles supporting the bladder are weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, aging or other factors.

Overactive bladder is another type of urinary incontinence that is characterized by a strong, sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinate even when the bladder is not full. Apart from the need to reach the bathroom quickly and to pass urine 8 or more times within 24 hours, overactive bladder can cause embarrassing urine leaks and compel women to avoid certain activities and things they would like to enjoy.

2. Recurrent urinary tract infections

Women are more susceptible to recurrent urinary tract infections than men because of anatomical differences. Most women will have a urinary tract infection at a certain point in their lives. The infections occur when bacteria get into the urinary tract and are often characterized by burning sensation or pain during urination, sudden urge to pass urine, blood in urine or trouble urinating. Recurrent UTIs can lead to complications and require prompt, proper treatment.

3. Fallen bladder

In women, the bladder is kept in position by tissues called pelvic muscles. But in cases where these tissues (wall between bladder and vagina) are too stretched or weakened to hold the bladder in position, the bladder may fall into the vagina — a condition known as bladder prolapse or cystocele. A fallen bladder may be caused by aging, childbirth, lifting heavy objects, menopause, chronic coughing, obesity or previous pelvic surgery, and may lead to urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections or overactive bladder if not treated. Surgery is typically required to correct a fallen bladder.

4. Painful bladder syndrome

Also called interstitial cystitis (IC), painful bladder syndrome is an uncomfortable and upsetting condition accompanied by lower belly and bladder discomfort. Patients tend to feel that their bladder is always full and often feel the urge to pass urine several times per day, even up to 60 times in one day. The condition can badly interfere with daily activities, forcing affected women to avoid traveling far away from home and to skip social events. It also can make sex painful or uncomfortable.

As urologists, our job is to figure out what kind of bladder problem a woman has, its underlying cause and the appropriate treatment for it. With the right treatment, which may include pelvic muscle strengthening exercises, medication, injections, implanted devices and surgery, most women are able to regain their bladder control and recover from their condition. And even for conditions that have no cure, such as interstitial cystitis, treatment tends to ease symptoms and boost the quality of life.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we see women with many different urological issues. Our aim is always to help them enjoy life and all activities they’d want to engage in by eliminating awkward urine leaks and the pain and discomfort associated with these conditions. If you are a woman who is tired of having embarrassing accidental urine leakage, check with us about effective treatment. For more information on the diagnosis and treatment of urological issues in women, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Bay Regional Cancer Center Closing Down

We regret to inform you that due to Hurricane Michael, we are no longer providing Radiation Treatment and forced to close our facility at Bay Regional Cancer Center.

Your health and well-being are of utmost importance to the staff at Advanced Urology Institute/Bay Regional Cancer Center. Dr.Steven Finkelstein is still in our community and is currently practicing at Florida Cancer Affiliates North Florida. If you wish to keep him as a provider, please call his new office staff at (850) 763-0036. If you do not wish to continue your care with Dr.Finkelstein, we encourage you to choose another provider as soon as possible to ensure timely care for your medical needs.

Your medical records are confidential and will remain on file with Advanced Urology Institute. A copy of your records can be released to you or your new provider with your written permission. Please note, by law we cannot share your medical information without your written consent. You may sign this form at our office located at 80 Doctors Drive Panama City, FL 32405 or give us a call at (850) 785-8557.

Please be assured that my staff and I will do everything we can to make the transition smooth and stress free. Thank you for trusting Dr.Finkelstein and our wonderful staff with your healthcare needs. It has been a pleasure to provide your care, and we wish you the best in the future.

Miriam Williams
Chief Administrative Officer

What is MRI with Transrectal Ultrasound Fusion-Guided Prostate Biopsy

Prostate cancer has a new standard of care in MRI-guided fusion biopsy with transrectal ultrasound. While a prostate biopsy has been the only way to get a definitive diagnosis of prostate cancer, it has only been working if cancer cells are identified in the sample tissue. But in some cases, such as when the tumor occurs at the top surface of the prostate or other unusual locations, a biopsy may not give a correct diagnosis. For instance, the standard TRUS (transrectal ultrasound) guided biopsy in which tissue samples are collected from the prostate in a systematic pattern gives a negative result with tumors located in unusual areas of the prostate. About 15-20 percent of tumor locations can be missed by the biopsy needle.

What makes the MRI-ultrasound fusion biopsy more definitive?

The MRI-ultrasound fusion approach is an improvement on the traditional 12-core TRUS, which involved taking biopsies from twelve prostate areas where the cancer is considered more likely to occur. With the TRUS biopsy, about 70 percent of men who have a negative biopsy result are not essentially free of the cancer. The MRI-ultrasound fusion technology blends the superior imaging capability of the high-definition multi-parametric (mp) MRI with real-time ultrasound imaging. There is better visualization of the suspicious areas of the prostate where the cancer may occur that may not be visible on ultrasound alone. The fusion-guided biopsy detects almost twice as many prostate cancers in all stages as the standard TRUS biopsy.

The ability of MRI-ultrasound fusion-guided biopsy to create a three-dimensional (3D) map of the prostate ensures that doctors are able to see the targeted areas of the prostate better and perform more precise biopsies. The technology uses a machine known as UroNav developed by Invivo, which is supplied with sophisticated software to produce super-detailed MRI images and fuse them with the ultrasound images generated by a transrectal probe administered on the patient in an outpatient setting. The resulting images enable the examining physician to direct biopsy needles with pinpoint accuracy and to easily access any lesions or suspicious areas revealed by MRI. The technology allows the urologist to hit the target spot more accurately and improves cancer detection rate. In fact, it is primarily used for men who have an ongoing suspicion of prostate cancer, such as those with consistently elevated PSA, but whose TRUS biopsy results are repeatedly negative.

Fewer biopsies, more accurate detection

The fusion-guided biopsy is a very targeted approach in which biopsies are performed only in highly suspicious areas of the prostate appearing in the MRI image. As a result, significantly fewer biopsies are done with the MRI-ultrasound fusion than with the traditional TRUS technique, minimizing the adverse effects that often accompany repeat biopsies. Multiple prostate biopsies can lead to complications such as bleeding, infection, urinary retention problems, sepsis or even death.

In spite of fewer biopsies, the MRI fusion approach increases the rate of detection of aggressive prostate cancer. The extensive MRI images obtained before the biopsy helps highlight both high-risk and intermediate-risk cancers often missed by traditional TRUS biopsy. With MRI-ultrasound fusion, the likelihood of detecting cancer increases as the grade of the tumor increases. The use of MRI fusion biopsy helps to avoid metastatic disease by finding cancer before it spreads to other areas of the body.

Improved cancer differentiation

Through MRI fusion, doctors are able to more accurately differentiate cancers that require treatment from the ones that should undergo watchful waiting (active surveillance). Fusion technology is able to show higher-risk cancers and does not highlight the insignificant low-grade tumors, making it less likely for urologic oncologists to over-treat indolent and low-grade cancers. A number of prostate cancers are low-grade, non-aggressive and do not cause problems at all and treating them through chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery can impair the quality of life or even cause death. MRI fusion effectively saves patients from the adverse effects of treating low-grade tumors. Fusion technology eliminates up to 50 percent of prostate cancer treatments that are unnecessarily administered on low-grade cancers.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we have adopted the MRI-ultrasound fusion biopsy and changed the way we screen, evaluate and diagnose prostate cancer. It has become our standard for detecting prostate cancer and we believe in the next few years it will be the gold standard for detecting the cancer. We are proud that it offers a higher detection rate, superior accuracy and reduces the rate of repeat biopsies — making our practice one of the best places for detection and monitoring of the cancer. It helps us deliver the best treatment outcomes for our patients.

If you think you are at high risk of prostate cancer or already have started experiencing some symptoms, let us show you how the precision of our high-definition MRI fusion machine, the expertise of our skilled physicians in MRI fusion biopsy and the know-how of our radiologists proficient in multi-parametric MRI imaging can help you. For more information on the treatment and diagnosis of prostate cancer, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a simple and safe minimally-invasive surgery done by a doctor in a clinic, office or hospital. During the procedure, the small tubes called vas deferens that carry sperm are blocked or cut off to prevent sperm from leaving a man’s body and causing pregnancy. The sperm cells remain in the testicles and are reabsorbed into the body. So after about 3 months following a vasectomy, the semen doesn’t contain any sperm and can’t cause pregnancy. Of course you’ll still produce the same amount of semen as before except that there will be no sperm in them.

Quick and highly-effective

A vasectomy is a quick, 15-to-30-minute procedure and you can return home the same day. Designed to be a permanent form of contraception, a vasectomy is extremely effective in preventing pregnancy — nearly 100 percent. It is one of the most effective methods of birth control you can find. Vasectomy — also called male sterilization — is meant to protect against pregnancy permanently, so it’s super effective once you are past the first three months following surgery when the semen has become sperm-free.

After the procedure, pregnancy is prevented round-the-clock for the rest of your life. Once the doctor confirms that you no longer have sperm in your semen, then you don’t to do anything else to prevent pregnancy.Of course there is a very slim chance of the cut ends of the tubes growing back together after the procedure, making it possible to cause a pregnancy. That, however, very rarely happens.

Types of vasectomy

The vasectomy procedure involves cutting and blocking or partially removing both ends of the vas deferens (the sperm duct). Once that is done, sperm traveling from the testes can no longer reach the semen and form part of the ejaculate. Two types of vasectomies exist: the no-scalpel method and the incision method. The no-scalpel (no-cut) technique has a lower risk of infection and complications and generally requires a shorter recovery time. Because it’s classified as a minor surgical procedure, a vasectomy is often done in the doctor’s office with the patient under local anesthesia. It’s only in a small percentage of men where the procedure is performed in the operating room with general anesthesia or sedation — either due to the results of a doctor’s physical exam or patient preference.

Doesn’t hurt as much as often perceived

Vasectomy is a safer, minimally-invasive birth control method and a more effective procedure compared to tubal ligation. Guys generally tolerate it better than women do with tubal ligation. While you will experience a sharp sensation when the numbing medication is applied with a small needle, there should be no further pain after that. If you experience any further discomfort, inform your doctor so more of the numbing medication may be given or action is taken to alleviate the discomfort. Most men find vasectomy less painful than they anticipated, although a mild swelling and soreness may be experienced after the procedure.

Recovery after a vasectomy

Some mild swelling and discomfort is to be expected for a few days after the procedure, but almost always is gone completely by the end of the first week. It’s recommended that you take 1-2 days off work to reduce your activity level and get ample time to recover — although men with physically strenuous jobs may require a longer break from work. For the first 48 hours after the procedure, keep your activities limited and apply cold packs to your scrotum 3-4 times a day, with each application lasting for about 20 minutes. Wear supportive underwear until the discomfort subsides or for at least a week. Avoid sexual activity and exercise until the discomfort disappears, usually after around one week. Don’t soak in a pool, open water or hot tub for at least 3 weeks to ensure your wound heals quickly — you may just shower and dab dry. Return to normal activity slowly, building up your activity level gradually.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we do vasectomies in the office, using the no-scalpel, no-needle procedure. However, if you’re squeamish about it then you can have the procedure in a surgical room — although for most guys, doing it in the office is alright. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and is not bad in terms of pain. Recovery is also very fast. Most men schedule it on Friday and are back to work on Monday. As long as you don’t engage in strenuous activities such as a heavy lifting kind of a job, you can resume work quickly.

So if you want freedom from the fear of having unwanted children and want to enjoy your sexual relations without worrying about a pregnancy, a vasectomy is the ideal contraception for you. For more information on vasectomy, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

When Should You Get A PSA Test?

The prostate gland is a critical component of the male reproductive system. Located just underneath the bladder and in front of the rectum, the tiny walnut-sized gland helps to make semen — the fluid that carries sperm. But as men age, the prostate increases in size, becomes enlarged and begins to cause problems.The most common prostate problems include:

  1. Bacterial infection
  2. Dribbling after urination
  3. Increased need to pass urine (especially at night)
  4. Enlarged prostate, called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
  5. Prostate cancer

One of the most common cancers

The second most frequent cancer in American men, after skin cancer, prostate cancer typically grows slowly and shows very few early symptoms. So doctors usually recommend that men go for screening to ensure the cancer is spotted early even before symptoms arise and prior to the cancer getting more advanced. During screening tests, doctors perform prostate exams to detect any abnormalities that may indicate an issue, such as cancer. But the exams are not recommended for everyone and are often only necessary when the benefits outweigh the risks.

The PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) Test

The prostate-specific antigen test, simply called PSA, is a blood test for detecting prostate cancer and one of the most frequently used screening tests for the cancer. When there is an elevated level of the PSA in the blood, it might indicate that you have cancer. However, it’s not always that straightforward. In fact, there is a raging controversy about the PSA test, with many people questioning whether or not it’s necessary for younger men who are otherwise healthy. For instance, there is the argument that if there is a false positive PSA result, it may cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety and could even cloud a person’s decision regarding future treatment. False positive results are relatively low with the PSA test, but they may still occur.

The biggest argument against the PSA test is that treatment isn’t necessary for many prostate cancers. The cancer tends to grow and spread slowly and rarely causes serious effects during a man’s lifetime. While, in some cases, the cancer can be really aggressive and the PSA test may detect it when it’s still small and easier to treat, the side effects of cancer treatment are monetarily and physically too costly. So a lot of precaution is necessary when deciding who should or should not get treatment — there is no reason for treating a cancer that has little or no chance at all of progressing.

So when should you get your first PSA?

It is important to discuss the benefits, risks and uncertainties of the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test with your doctor before getting it. If you are a man of average risk, you should get your first PSA at the age of 50. But for men at high-risk of developing prostate cancer, such as African-American men, men of Caribbean descent and men with a first-degree relative (brother, father or son)
who had the cancer before age 60, then the first PSA should be at 45. And for men who are at higher risk, such as those who have more than one first-degree relative who had the cancer at an earlier age (younger than 50), the first PSA test should be at the age of 40.

Establishing the baseline with first PSA

At Advanced Urology Institute, we recommend that men get their first PSA test before the age of 50 so that a baseline can be established and used to make the decision as to whether or not they’ll need further tests. If it’s very low, then your regular PSA tests can be put off. But in cases where the PSA is elevated, we conduct other tests to ensure that it is prostate cancer we’re dealing with and not a prostate infection or an enlarged prostate. Depending on the PSA test result, we may repeat your PSA every 6 months to assess whether the first was a false positive or there is an upward trend.

The main thing with the PSA test is the changes in the level of PSA. Some men can have normal PSA but still have prostate cancer. So monitoring the changes and trends in your PSA is critical for cancer diagnosis. That’s why we encourage people to get their first PSA test early to establish a baseline for monitoring their PSA level. You don’t have to undergo a prostate biopsy just because you have done a PSA. If it’s found that your PSA is where it should be, you’ll not need a biopsy. That’s why we always want to be sure of the trends in your PSA.

Are you at high-risk of prostate cancer? Or are you experiencing symptoms of what could be a prostate problem, such as painful or frequent urination or blood in urine? At Advanced Urology Institute, we exhaustively discuss the pros and cons of the PSA test with our patients before making any decisions. We understand that PSA screening has both benefits and risks and we try to make the best possible decisions for our patients. For more information on the PSA test, prostate exams, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Urologic Cancer

Urologic cancers are on the rise and here at Advanced Urology Institute we are seeing more and more cases every year. A urologic cancer is one that occurs in any organ of either the urinary system or the male reproductive system. It is a term that encompasses cancers such as adrenal, bladder, kidney, penile, prostate, testicular and ureter cancer. While a diagnosis with urologic cancer can be devastating and traumatic, the good news here at AUI is that with prompt screening and diagnosis, we can catch the cancers early and partner with our patients throughout their treatment and recovery to follow-up care. We always want our patients to understand that we are in it together and we want to work with them and their families to ensure quick recovery and high quality of life throughout their battle with the disease.

Diagnosis of urologic cancers

Diagnosis of urologic cancers usually starts with symptoms, although some patients don’t show symptoms and their tumors are detected during routine imaging. At AUI, our approach to cancer diagnosis includes patients’ symptoms, personal medical history, family medical history, physical examination, screening and diagnostic testing. The symptoms of urologic cancers tend to vary with the type and location of the tumor, but may include abdominal pain, blood in urine, elevated hormone levels, swollen abdomen and enlarged prostate. In terms of diagnostic tests, we often use biopsy, blood tests for hormone levels, digital rectal exam, liver function tests, pelvic exam, renal arteriography, bone scan, ultrasound, urine test, CT scan and MRI scan.

Care after cancer diagnosis

Dr. Chad Hubsher of Advanced Urology InstituteAt Advanced Urology Institute, we understand that diagnosis with urologic cancer is shattering and distressing. So we speak with our patients soon after diagnosis to bring their emotions under control and give them hope. For us the goal is not just to cure cancer but also to prepare and help our patients to face the challenges that may come with the disease. That’s why we work collaboratively with clinicians, researchers, dieticians, nurses, radiotherapists, radiologists and other medical professionals to ensure optimal outcomes are achieved with minimal impact on our patients’ quality of life.

Treatment of urologic cancers

We follow a multidisciplinary approach when treating urologic cancers. That means a wide-range of certified medical experts evaluate a patient’s condition and develop a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan depending on the type, stage and location of the cancer and the patient’s overall health. In a number of cases, surgery may be the primary treatment for urologic cancer and we provide minimally-invasive laparoscopy, robotic surgery, percutaneous cryosurgery and reconstructive procedures that deliver optimal outcomes with reduced scarring, less pain and shorter recovery time. Every patient’s candidacy for surgery is evaluated after diagnosis or during first appointment, but we are always confident of taking on some of the toughest cancer cases and striving to provide the best surgical outcomes and patient experience.

AUI also provides a number of advanced urologic cancer therapies. We offer current and investigational treatments and provide advanced radiation therapies including prostate brachytherapy (radiation seed implants). Treatment options for urologic cancer may include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and radiation therapy. For instance, we deliver targeted regimens of radiation that are sculpted to the shape and size of the tumor ensuring that their impact is focused on cancer cells while limiting exposure of adjacent normal tissues. Likewise, urinary diversion techniques, fertility-preserving options and drugs with fewer side effects are prioritized. And with our extensive team of survivorship and supportive care experts, who help patients and their caregivers to attain and maintain a better quality of life before, during and after treatment, we often achieve great outcomes for our patients.

Recognized leader in care for urologic cancers

Advanced Urology Institute has a urology oncology team that is a nationally recognized leader in the management of urologic cancer. We have state-of-the-art equipment, leading urologists in their field and imaging and pathology experts who are good at what they do. What that means is that our patients get the best possible care at every stage of their journey with cancer. We manage urologic cancers in an outpatient setting, allowing our patients to go home the same day. And when they go home early from our day cancer center, we monitor them very closely. We are proud that, in most cases, our cancer patients do really well.

At AUI, our goal is not just to cure cancer but also to prevent it from spreading and from coming back. We are also committed to working with the local communities and spreading the word for people to get tested early. For more information on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urologic cancers, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Kidney Stone Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

There are a lot of kidney stone cases in Florida, thanks to dehydration from the extremely hot weather and diets that include a lot of tea, meat, salt and other highly rich foods associated with the stones. While about 10 percent of Americans may expect to have a kidney stone at some point in their lives, the likelihood rises to 15 percent for people living in the South. Stones are formed when minerals and other substances found in urine crystallize, usually in people who are dehydrated or don’t consume enough fluids.

Symptoms of kidney stones

At Advanced Urology Institute, we see a lot of patients with kidney stones. A contributing factor is our location in Florida, with its massive heat and humidity which leads to dehydration and, unfortunately, to the formation of these painful stones in the kidneys. The stones commonly present with severe, intense pain — like something is stabbing you — and you can barely walk. Kidney stones are characterized by sharp pains in the side or back as they make their way to the bladder. Most of our female patients usually say the stones are more painful than labor pain. Other symptoms of kidney stones include vomiting, nausea, a constant urge to pass urine and blood in urine.

Pain from kidney stones is often sudden in onset, though it may get severe over a period of hours in some cases. The pain may be either intermittent (colicky) or steady and, depending on the stone’s location as it moves through to the bladder, it may begin in the back or flank area and radiate slowly downward to your inguinal ligament, urethra, bladder, testicles or penis. Urinary or bladder symptoms, such as frequency of urination and painful urination, may occur if the stone is located in the portion of your urethra found within the bladder wall. Not all stones cause pain and some of them are often discovered “incidentally” during pelvic or abdominal X-rays. But in patients who experience pain, they usually describe it as the worst pain they have ever experienced.

Diagnosis of kidney stones

Diagnosis of kidney stones is almost entirely based on the history of passing the stones or on occurrence of a stabbing pain in the side or back. We usually place emphasis on the patient’s clinical signs, familial disorders, presence or absence of any previous renal stones, or physical exam findings. We also perform a urinalysis to check the presence of white cells (pyuria) or blood (hematuria) in urine, a culture of urine to exclude infection, and use the presence of crystals in urine (crystalluria) to help identify the stone type. Patients are often required to strain their urine to obtain the stone for crystallographic analysis. Analyzing kidney stones for their mineral composition helps us understand your future risk and to recommend the right dietary habits and restrictions for preventing stones. But we also do a CT or CAT scan of the pelvic and abdominal area to evaluate the size, location, degree of hydronephrosis and density of the stone, all of which are important in determing how we treat and manage the stones.


When patients complain of symptoms of kidney stones, we usually do physical exams and run tests to confirm that they actually have stones. But we often begin by getting the pain under control and calming the patients, to enable us to discuss with them available treatment options. The pain due to kidney stones is relieved using pain medication, drinking plenty of fluid to prevent dehydration, and ordering bed rest. In many cases once we have assessed that the stones can pass on their own, we allow about 7 days for them to pass spontaneously. In other instances, however, kidney stones may need to be broken down into tiny pieces or to be removed surgically.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we break up kidney stones using such techniques as percutaneous lithotripsy, cystoscopy or extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy. For renal stones less than 2cm in size, we generally treat them using extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy. During the procedure, high-intensity ultrasound (shock-waves) are passed through pouches of water placed on the skin and then directed toward the stone. The waves break the kidney stones into tiny pieces that can pass easily through the ureter. For stones located higher in the ureter or in the bladder, we often use cystoscopy to pull them out or break them up with electric energy or laser. During the procedure, the doctor passes a viewing tube with a crushing device into the ureter or bladder to pull the stone out or break it up with electric energy or laser.

For larger stones, percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a safe and reliable technique. For this procedure, you’ll be given medication to sedate you, then a viewing tube will be inserted through an incision made in your side. Once the stone is reached, it’s broken up using electric energy or ultrasound. In cases where this procedure doesn’t work, particularly when the stones are hard to reach or too large, surgery is often the preferred treatment. Surgery to remove kidney stones is performed under general anesthesia with the doctor making an incision into the side and another into the kidney or ureter to remove the stone. After the stone is removed, the incisions are stitched up.

There are many ways of treating kidney stones and the method chosen usually depends on the experience and judgment of the urologist, together with the patient’s preferences. At AUI, we prioritize the comfort of our patients, so we opt for the least invasive procedures before considering surgery. Want to know more about prevention, diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones? Find more information from the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.

Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis and Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also called impotence, is a man’s inability to achieve or maintain an erection that’s hard or firm enough for sexual intercourse. Occasional ED is quite common among men, particularly during times of severe fatigue or stress. However, frequent erectile dysfunction can be a signal of serious health, relationship or emotional problems and requires treatment.

Major symptoms of erectile dysfunction include:

  1. Problem getting an erection.
  2. Diminished interest in sex.
  3. Difficulty maintaining a firm enough erection for sexual intercourse.

It’s important to speak with your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, particularly if they last 2 or more months. The doctor will determine if there is an underlying condition to your ED and whether or not treatment is necessary.

Medical history and physical exam

At Advanced Urology Institute, we usually begin with a medical history and physical exam so we can find the reasons for your ED. Erectile dysfunction can be due to stress, fatigue, anxiety, low testosterone, physical problems or other factors. When we take your medical history, we will ask you questions about your health and the symptoms you are experiencing. Then we perform tests to determine whether your symptoms have an underlying cause.

You should expect a physical examination where the doctor listens to your lungs and heart, measures your blood pressure and examines your penis and testicles. We also frequently recommend a rectal exam for checking your prostate. Likewise, urine or blood tests may be necessary to rule out conditions with similar symptoms.

Who needs treatment?

When making a diagnosis for erectile dysfunction, problems such as premature ejaculation and low libido are not considered. We basically focus on your failure to have or maintain a steady erection. Since most men have ED at one point or another in their lives, the most useful factor when determining whether or not to offer treatment is the frequency of your problem. From a medical standpoint, an erectile dysfunction occurring as often as 20 percent of the time isn’t considered a major concern. However, ED that occurs 50 percent or more of the time is likely to have an underlying psychological or physical cause and warrants treatment.

ED medications

For most men, the treatments offered for erectile dysfunction are quite similar. In most cases successful treatment depends on effective treatment of the underlying causes. At times it may even be necessary to use a combination of treatments. At Advanced Urology Institute, we often begin with medications, giving drugs such as Cialis (tadalafil), Stendra (avanafil), Caverject (alprostadil), Viagra (sildenafil), Levitra (verdenafil) or Androderm (testosterone). These drugs increase the blood flow in the penis and will help you to achieve an erection. The fact that some of these drugs now have generic forms means prices have gone down and most men can afford to use them when appropriate.

Pumps and injections

In some cases, treatment for erectile dysfunction may involve the use of vacuum constriction devices (erection pumps). These are mechanical or automatic devices that help men to achieve erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. Basically, an erection pump consists of a cylinder with a pump attached directly to the end of the penis. After the pump has made the penis bigger, a constriction band or ring is attached to the other end of the penis to keep the erection comfortably in place for at least 30 minutes. The main advantage of these devices is that no invasive or surgical procedures are involved. When it’s appropriate, we recommend these devices for our patients and make arrangements so that they are ordered and sent to them.

For some men with erectile dysfunction, we may recommend penile injections. It’s often amusing talking about penile injections with men, but they are very effective in treating ED. With a sharp needle that’s too small to cause much discomfort, medications such as papaverine hydrochloride, prostaglandin E-1 or phentolamine are injected into the penis tissue to stimulate an erection. When used, papaverine injection relaxes muscles of the arterial wall, dilates the vessels and increases blood flow; phentolamine blocks nerve signals for muscle contractions and promotes muscle relaxation; while prostaglandin E-1 relaxes penile muscles resulting in an erection. Once we prescribe any of these penile injections, we show you how the injection is done — the process is simple, not painful, and up to 90 percent of the patients are able to do it on their own after it’s explained to them.

Surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction

If these options don’t work, then we may recommend surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction. Surgery can be used to implant a prosthetic device into the penis that causes an erection; reconstruct penile arteries to increase blood flow and facilitate an erection; or block off the veins in the penis to allow blood to leave the penis, which helps in maintaining an erection. At Advanced Urology Institute, we usually discuss surgery as an option for treating ED with our patients before recommending it to them. We do a lot of penile implants and penile reconstruction operations and offer several other treatments for erectile dysfunction.

Is erectile dysfunction affecting your relationship? At AUI, we offer several effective treatments for the condition, including medications, pumps, penile injections and surgery. Talk with us about your condition and find help in getting it effectively treated. We are committed to providing treatment that restores sexual health and satisfaction to men with erectile dysfunction. For more information on how we treat ED, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute’” site

How are Kidney Stones Treated?

Kidney stones are a common cause of agonizing and debilitating pain in men and women. In the United States, the stones account for over one million hospital visits and more than 300,000 emergency room visits every year. When patients present with kidney stones, the treatment administered usually depends on the type, size and location of the stone and on the severity of symptoms. Apart from administering treatment, the urologist investigates the underlying cause of the stones and recommends ways of preventing a recurrence.

Spontaneous passage

Kidney stones smaller than 4 mm in diameter are often passed on their own in urine and may be treated at home. While such stones may be painful, the pain often lasts only a few days and usually disappears soon after the stone is passed. So, depending on how bad your symptoms are and how long you’ve had the symptoms, you may not be given any form of treatment and just wait for stones to pass in urine. It usually take up to six weeks to do so.

However, you should only do this if the pain is bearable, there is no sign of infection or kidney blockage and the stone is of a size that can pass on its own. As you wait for it to pass, you’ll need to drink plenty of water and take pain medication to help you manage the discomfort. If you suspect that you have a kidney stone, speak with your doctor to see if you need immediate treatment or if you can wait for it to pass spontaneously.


There are a number of medications that increase the chance of passing kidney stones. For instance, tamsulosin is commonly given to people with kidney stones to help relax the ureter and make it easier for stones to pass. Apart from medications to boost stone passage, your urologist may prescribe anti-emetic (anti-nausea) medication to reduce nausea and vomiting as you wait for the stone to pass. And if you are in severe pain, your doctor may give you 1-2 pain injections and then prescribe some painkillers and anti-emetics for you to take from home.

Surgical procedures

If the pain is so much that you can’t wait for the stone to pass in the urine, you’ll require a surgical procedure to remove it. Surgery is also necessary if the stone is too big to pass on its own or is hampering kidney function. Kidney stones may be removed surgically if they are causing repeated urinary tract infections or are blocking the normal flow of urine.

Surgical procedures to remove kidney stones include extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL), ureteroscopy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). These procedures are usually chosen by urologists depending on the size, type and location of the stones.

1. Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

This procedure is the most frequent way of treating stones that can’t pass spontaneously in urine. High-frequency waves (X-rays or ultrasound) are directed at the stone to break it into smaller pieces that can pass in urine. Often the tiny pieces require a few weeks to pass out in urine. While ESWL is 99 percent effective for kidney stones up to 20 mm in diameter, more than one session is usually necessary for the treatment to be successful.

2. Ureteroscopy

For kidney stones that are lodged somewhere in the kidney or ureter, ureteroscopy (also called retrograde intrarenal surgery) may be necessary. The procedure involves directing a long, thin telescope (called ureteroscope) through the urethra, into the bladder, then into the ureter or kidney where the stone is located. If the stone is stuck in the kidney or upper ureter, the urologist uses flexible telescopes for this procedure, but rigid telescopes are ideal for stones stuck in the lower parts of the ureter.

The ureteroscope helps the urologist to reach the stone without making an incision. After reaching the stone, the doctor either can use another instrument to remove it or direct laser energy on it to break it into smaller pieces that can pass naturally in urine. A stent (plastic tube) may be inserted temporarily into the bladder to drain out the stone fragments.

3. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL)

For kidney stones that are too large (21-30 mm in diameter), percutaneous lithotripsy is the treatment of choice. During the procedure, a half-inch incision is made in the side or back, just big enough to allow passage of a telescopic instrument (called nephroscope) into the area of the kidney where the stone is located. The nephroscope is used either to pull out the stone or break it up with pneumatic energy (or laser) and suction out the pieces. In fact, it’s the ability to suction out tiny stone pieces that makes this procedure ideal for larger stones.

Kidney stones also can be removed through open surgery, laparoscopic surgery or robotic surgery. But this is only done when the less-invasive procedures fail. Routine surgical procedures for kidney stones require shorter recovery period and you can usually return home the same day after the procedure and resume normal activities in 2-3 days. If the urologist inserts a stent after a procedure, it is removed 4-10 days later. During treatment, you also may be provided with a strainer that you can use to collect stone pieces that pass in urine for laboratory testing and to enable the urologist to recommend appropriate ways of preventing stone recurrence.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we offer shockwave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy routinely, and perform robotic and laparoscopic procedures for kidney stones when necessary. We perform blood tests and 24-hour urine analyses for every patient to identify the cause of kidney stones in order to provide the right treatment. We also design prevention strategies tailored to each patient, including personalized dietary recommendations based on results of 24-hour urine analysis. Our aim is to always ensure that our patients properly understand why they have kidney stones and make the necessary lifestyle changes to prevent a recurrence. For more information on kidney stones and how they are managed, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.