PTNS-Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation
Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (Urgent® PC) is a highly effective program to treat overactive bladder associated with symptoms of urinary urgency, urinary frequency and urge incontinence.
Click on the link to watch Bea Soto’s interview on WMBB TV 13’s Modern Medicine:
How Does PTNS (Urgent®PC) Work?
Neurostimulation stimulates the nerves that control your bladder. By stimulating these nerves through gentle electrical impulses your bladder activity can be changed. A small, ultrafine needle electrode is temporarily inserted near your ankle. The needle electrode is then connected to the battery-powered stimulator.*This is not a form of acupuncture and there is no risk of being electrocuted. Your clinician will observe your toes’ response as to determine the ideal strength of the impulses. Patient education, bladder retraining and pelvic exercises are also included in these therapy sessions.
Results: Because PTNS (Urgent® PC) gently modifies the signals to achieve bladder control, it will probably take at least 4- 6 treatments for you to see your symptoms change. Each treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes. A majority of people experience significant improvement in their bladder control symptoms after an initial series of 12 treatments.
If your bladder has been controlling your life, ask your doctor about PTNS (Urgent® PC) so YOU can regain control.