Many people resolve to improve their well-being in the New Year. But how many do you think pledge to drink more water?
If you do, you can look forward to a better-running urinary tract in 2025.
That’s right. Many healthy activities strengthen the functions of your urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, and the tubes (ureters and urethra) that carry urine out of your body. In supporting these body parts, you improve you overall health.
Your urinary system does more than transport liquid waste. It filters toxins out of your blood. It battles bacteria to prevent infections. And it can hold your urine in for hours.
If something occurs to compromise these duties, your urinary system will let you know by sending uncomfortable signals. You should respond to these signs: More than 400 million urinary tract infections (UTIs) are likely to develop globally each year, and millions of men will feel the urologic symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH). Left untreated, these conditions can develop into more severe issues, including kidney stones and prostatitis (bacteria-caused prostate inflammation).
Raise Your (Water) Glass! 6 Urinary Resolutions Worth Toasting
Keeping these urologic health resolutions in mind for 2025, as they contribute to whole-body wellness.
- Fill up on fruits and veggies – In addition to drinking 11 (women) to 15 (men) glasses of water each day, you should aim to eat five daily servings of fruits and vegetables to keep you hydrated and better able to flush out toxins. The antioxidants and vitamin C in broccoli, red bell peppers, carrots, berries, and cranberries support your immune system, which may help ward off urinary tract infections. Some research even connects high fruit consumption with a 14% reduction in the likelihood of erectile dysfunction (ED). But beware that tomatoes, orange juice, and other acidic foods can aggravate symptoms of painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis).
- Exercise your pelvic muscles, and your body – Kegels, the squeezing exercise that strengthens your pelvic muscles, can ease symptoms of organ prolapse, overactive bladder, and BPH. Kegels also can help prevent such conditions by building a more supportive pelvic floor (which can even improve an erection). Add Kegels to your favorite whole-body exercise – swimming, biking, and stretching can relieve bladder pressure by strengthening your core and extending your spine.
- Try to eat 20% less sugar – Too many sweets can help stones form in your kidneys. Research shows that people who take in 25% of their daily calories from added sugars are at an 88% greater risk of developing kidney stones than those who get less than 5%, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. Watch out for artificial sweeteners, as well. High doses of fake or real sugars can intensify symptoms of overactive bladder and incontinence by irritating the bladder. Look for added sugars in unlikely sources including yogurt, ketchup, cereals, and peanut butter.
- Smoke 100% fewer cigarettes – The toxins in cigarette smoke get into your kidneys via your bloodstream, and when your kidneys filter that blood they become exposed to these cancer-causing chemicals. Remaining carcinogens are passed in your urine into your bladder, exposing it to risk – people who smoke are at least three times as likely to develop bladder cancer than those who don’t, according to the American Cancer Society. In addition to cancer, the chemicals in tobacco smoke can irritate the bladder (interstitial cystitis) and contribute to incontinence. Lastly, smoking can damage blood vessels and slow blood flow, which you need for an erection.
- Aim for eight hours of sleep – Nearly 39% of Floridians do not get the recommended seven hours of sleep, the CDC reports, and that can compromise your urinary functions. When you sleep, your body builds antibodies that fight bacteria, preventing UTIs. A good night’s rest contributes to hormone production – men’s bodies need at least three solid hours to make testosterone, Healthline reports. Persistent sleep deprivation, meanwhile, can contribute to obesity, a risk factor for pelvic floor weakness, kidney disease, and erectile dysfunction. If you have trouble falling asleep, turn off all bright screens (blue light) for two to three hours before bedtime.
- Be your own health advocate – Don’t ignore symptoms of a urologic condition. If you experience signs of incontinence or other issues, record the details in a bladder diary (the times of day symptoms occur, your activities, and what you eat and drink). This record will follow symptom progress and be useful if you see a doctor. And men, especially men in their 20s and 30s should self-examine their testicles every month for lumps and abnormalities. Testicular cancer is rare, but it occurs mostly in young men.
Seek the Health Advocacy of Your Doctors, Too
Resolve to make your urinary health a priority in 2025. If you experience symptoms of any urinary condition, give us a call. We look forward to seeing a healthier you.
If you’re experiencing signs of urinary illness and would like to learn more, read about the conditions we treat, as well as symptoms and treatment options.